Communications Internationales
International Conference number 01
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Prof. Khellef & Prof. Bensmain |
Titer |
Impact du Tabagisme en Milieu Scolaire et Socio professionnel |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, CHUC of Constantine and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Il s'agit en fait, d'un sondage, en milieu socioprofessionnel et scolaire, de l'impact du tabagisme sur ces populations. Et voir quelles les tranches d'âges les plus touchées et surtout quelles sont les mesures nécessaires de sensibilisation et de prévention sur les risques du tabagisme. |
Key Words |
Impact du tabagisme, Prévention, Milieu socioprofessionnel et scolaire et Mesures de sensibilisation. |
Conference |
CMT’1983 : Congrès Maghrébin sur le Tabagisme à Rabat (Maroc) |
Organization |
Collaboration Institut Médical de l'Hôpital de Constantine avec Centre Universitaire de Recherches, d'Etudes et de Réalisations de Constantine (CURER) à Rabat au Maroc |
Dates |
February 1983 |
Pages |
64 pages |
Online Date |
February 1983 |
File |
International Conference number 02
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Prof. Robert Laurini |
Titer |
Manipulation des Objets Spatiaux: le Cas des Objets Géologiques |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine and Laboratoire d'Informatique et d'Automatique Appliquées, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, INSA of Lyon France and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La diversité des problématiques de manipulations de connaissances spatiales met en relief la multiplicité des méthodes de raisonnements et la difficulté de les unifier dans un raisonnement type, qui serait susceptible de s'appliquer à tous les cas de figures. En d'autres termes serait-il possible d'aboutir à un moteur unique d'inférence géométrique générique que l'on peut appliquer à n'importe quel type d'application? L'objectif est de décrire d'une manière succincte les différents modèles spatiaux géométriques et topologiques utilisés pour capter la richesse sémantique des objets spatiaux et surtout d'utiliser la puissance intensive et compréhensive d'inférence de ces modèles spatiaux géométriques et topologiques. Dans la perspective de développement d'outils dédiés aux raisonnements spatiaux, le travail de recherche publié dans cet article apportera une contribution dans les trois axes différents suivants: maîtrise des moyens de représentations selon les types d'applications, adaptation de la modélisation des objets spatiaux et manipulations et raisonnements spatiaux dans des contextes différents. |
Key Words |
Base de connaissances spatiales, Manipulation des connaissances, Raisonnement spatial et Moteur d’Inférences spatiales |
Conference |
Congress INFORSID 88 à la Rochelle en France |
Organization |
La Rochelle, France |
INFORSID ISBN 2-906855-04-9. |
Dates |
7-10, June 1988 |
Pages |
pp. 63-82 |
Online Date |
June 1988 |
File |
International Conference number 03
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Prof. Rachid Benlamri & Prof. Mohamed-Chaouki Batouche |
Titer |
An Information System for Urban Spatial Analysis using Digital Cartography |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Many research works in automated cartography are carried out to solve problems related to social and urban human needs. In particular, a considerable attention has been devoted to the spatial aspect of cartographic information. In this paper, an information system for urban spatial analysis is presented. The system consists of two major components. An acquisition system for vectorising digital maps. A knowledge based system that uses computational geometry based rules for solving urban queries. Both spatial and non spatial urban queries are considered in this study. To solve such queries, the system uses a database containing both of textual information describing cartographic objects and a graphical information describing the spatial configuration of urban objects in maps. The proposed system outlines a method for urban spatial representing, modelling and reasoning that provide valuable intelligent aids for sorting out different spatial problems such as solving region queries, town-planning, analysing ground occupation, updating and archiving maps. Thus, the proposed system would be a major contribution for solving difficulties frequently encountered by large users in urban agencies. |
Key Words |
Spatial queries, Spatial reasoning, Urban spatial analysis, R-tree representation, Computational geometry and Database systems. |
Conference |
FUCAM’1995 : Industriel Engineering and Production Management, Conférence internationale avec comité de lecture internationale, Organisée par les Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons en Belgique |
Organization |
Marrakech in Morocco |
Dates |
4-7, April 1995 |
Pages |
pp. 165-175 |
Online Date |
April 1995 |
File |
International Conference number 04
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Prof. Mohamed-Chaouki Batouche |
Titer |
A Geographical Information System for Urban Spatial Analysis |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide means of integrating information of different nature in a way that help us analyse and understand some of the most pressing urban problems related to modern cities we face today. Consequently, over the past decade a considerable attention has been devoted to the problem of designing and developing Geographical Information Systems (GIS), where spatial aspect is privileged. These efforts have led to the development of various GIS for urban needs which differ in the concepts, principles and ways of organising and reasoning about spatial information. These differences are mainly due to the nature of spatial objects and their properties related to semantic, geometric and topological aspects depending on application requirements. Therefore, designing an urban spatial information system is not an easy task. |
Key Words |
GIS, Urban spatial analysis, Geometric and Topological aspect. |
Conference |
The Second Scientific Conference on Computers and their Applications |
Organization |
Amman Jordan In Applied Science University. |
Dates |
Sept 21-22, 1998 |
Pages |
pp. 161-165 |
Online Date |
September 1998 |
File |
International Conference number 05
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Dr Salah Hamri & Miss Chahinez Kholladi |
Titer |
SIARRS : System Intelligent of help to the Resolution of the Spatial Requests tool of Regional Scheduling Attended by Computer |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Principal objective of the introduction of a computerized information system using the new technologies of information and the communication (NTIC) by the Internet and the intranet are: improvement of the quality of the hold in charge of problems, assessment of service activities, restraint of the administrative management, restraint of the continuous increase of management costs and facilitated the hold of decisions. The management of the enormous mass of information with the conventional means: better organization, good administration and qualified and sufficient staff, drag a difficult and complex management: not of control serious of management and men, not of transparency in activities and bad administrative management. Solutions susceptible aim to optimize the use rational of the enormous material, human and financial resources of enterprise to satisfy our objectives and to introduce the techniques most modern of treatments of information by the setting up of a leading diagram of the enterprise. Contributions of the computer tool by the new technologies of information and communication “NTIC” in the domain of the management are: better organization of activities, considerable gain in time, minimum of expense, better exploitation of information in real time and to improve methods, means of storage, treatments of data and holds of decisions efficiently. In the setting of this communication we are going to approach aspects of the Intranet of enterprises in the setting of the decision hole. |
Key Words |
Intranet, Internet, NTIC, System of information, Enterprise and Takes decisions. |
Conference |
ACIT’2002 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Computer Center, University of Qatar. |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
Dec. 16-19,2002 |
Pages |
pp. 461-470 |
Online Date |
December 2002 |
File |
International Conference number 06
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Optimization of the indexing Space in the Geographical Information System |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In order to speed up to their execution, space queries require the uses of specific access methods. For these needs, several methods are proposed: structures in grids, quaternary tree, and the right-angled tree. Therefore, in order to space speed up the research for objects and for much more efficient space query resolution, it is necessary to deal with optimal year space index. Now, this task requires has qualitative evaluation of the different index structures that strongly depends one the choices of the implementation, of the real dated, and the tested operations. Our objectifies in this paper is to suggest a technique of index optimization for the objects represented one either mono-to bush-hammer but multi-to bush-hammer map limiting it At the BASIC not operation. This technique is based on efficient approach with two phases, and focus mainly on the linear quadtrees flexibility linked to digital aspect of the representation and the research. The two phases are: the filtering that generates the objects candidate for of resolution has queries and the refining that operates directly one the objects issued from the first phase to form the result. |
Key Words |
Space indexing, Mono-to bush-hammer, Multi-bush-hammer, Grid, R+three, Linear-quadtree and Peano's curve. |
Conference |
ACIT’2003 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Alexandria, Egypt. |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
20-23 Dec, 2003 |
Pages |
10 pages |
Online Date |
December 2003 |
File |
International Conference number 07
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Fractal Structure of the Urban Objects |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
as regards to the big agglomerations and especially of the cities, the constructed surface often has an irregular shape, in spite of the efforts of the urbanizes to promote more compact shapes. The internal spatial order of the big agglomerations relief of the fractal geometry. This article shows the interest to apply the fractal geometry in the cities and to the networks of communication of the urban zones. Here, one is going to focus our attention especially on the coarse analysis of the structure in the shape of the constructions concerning occupation of the soil surfaces (fractal of surface such the carpets of Sierpinski), and this to scales permitting the analysis of the agglomerations and cities as the one of Constantine. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Fractal geometry, Urban object and Urban Analysis. |
Conference |
ACIT’2003 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Alexandria, Egypt. |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
20-23 Dec, 2003 |
Pages |
pp 399-404 |
Online Date |
December 2003 |
File |
International Conference number 08
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi and Prof. Mohamed-Chaouki Batouche |
Titer |
GIS for Urban Spatial Analysis |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
During the last decade, various GIS for urban needs have been designed and developed. They differ in the way of organizing and reasoning about spatial information. This is mainly due to the nature of spatial objects and their properties related to semantic, geometric and topological aspects. In this paper, an urban information system for representing, modeling and manipulating urban objects is presented. The paper shows the interest of a topological model based on Rectangle-Tree (R-Tree) structure for solving most of urban spatial queries such as locating queries, neighborhood queries, distance queries and map-updating queries. |
Key Words |
Geographic information systems, Spatial queries, Spatial reasoning, Urban spatial analysis, Rectangle-tree representation and Database systems. |
Conference |
ACIT’2004 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Mentouri University of Constantine, Algeria. |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 12-15, 2004 |
Pages |
pp. 399-404 |
Online Date |
December 2004 |
File |
International Conference number 09
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A Parallel Algorithm for Edge Detection Based on Infinite Impulse Response Filter (IIR Filter) |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, we present a parallel algorithm for edge detection based on Infinite Impulse Response filter (IIR filter). In particular, the Infinite size Symmetric Exponential Filter (ISEF) which is an optimal IIR filter and computationally efficient smoothing filter is studied. The proposed algorithm exploits efficiently all aspects of potential parallelism (spatial parallelism, temporal parallelism and systolism) inherent in the considered edge detection algorithms. The designed concurrent algorithm is expressed in terms of a collection of concurrent processes communicating and synchronizing in an efficient way in order to speed up the low-level operations. |
Key Words |
Low level vision tasks, IIR filter, ISEF filter, Edge detection, Systolic processing and Spatial parallelism |
Conference |
ACIT’2004 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Mentouri University of Constantine, Algeria |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 12-15, 2004 |
Pages |
pp. 249-257 |
Online Date |
December 2004 |
File |
International Conference number 10
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
The Intranet and its Impact in the Hold of Decisions at the level of Enterprises |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Principal objective of the introduction of a computerized information system using the new technologies of information and the communication (NTIC) by the Internet and the intranet are: improvement of the quality of the hold in charge of problems, assessment of service activities, restraint of the administrative management, restraint of the continuous increase of management costs and facilitated the hold of decisions. The management of the enormous mass of information with the conventional means: better organization, good administration and qualified and sufficient staff, drag a difficult and complex management: not of control serious of management and men, not of transparency in activities and bad administrative management. Solutions susceptible aim to optimize the use rational of the enormous material, human and financial resources of enterprise to satisfy our objectives and to introduce the techniques most modern of treatments of information by the setting up of a leading diagram of the enterprise. contributions of the computer tool by the new technologies of information and communication “NTIC” in the domain of the management are: better organization of activities, considerable gain in time, minimum of expense, better exploitation of information in real time and to improve methods, means of storage, treatments of data and holds of decisions efficiently. In the setting of this communication we are going to approach aspects of the Intranet of enterprises in the setting of the decision hole. |
Key Words |
Intranet, Internet, NTIC, System of information, Enterprise and Takes decisions. |
Conference |
ACIT’2004 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Mentouri University of Constantine, Algeria. |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 12-15, 2004 |
Pages |
pp. 389-394 |
Online Date |
December 2004 |
File |
International Conference number 11
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
GIS for the Management and the Follow-up of the Landslides of the Constantine City |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Slips are an old phenomenon. They are displacements of masses of grounds along the zone or slip surface sheared low thicknesses, influenced by a great number of factors geologic, hydro geologic, geotechnical, topographic and climatic. The management of the landslides is based mainly on the cards or the plans of the geographical areas on which the study goes. The manual realization of the cards requires a significant time, capacities and efforts due to the various encountered difficulties. Modifications require manual research and checks, which prove to be slow and expensive. Filing spends time and space. The actualization of the plans is difficult. Our objective is to develop a data-processing tool (GIS) of decision-making aid for the detection and the follow-up of landslides of the Constantine’s city in order to facilitate the follow-up of this phenomenon and the rational decision-making. This system will allow the implementation of a space data base, whose consultations will contribute to the comprehension of the phenomenon and especially to proceed to scenarios of simulations. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Slips of lands, Spatial data base, Spatial requests and Simulation |
Conference |
ACIT’2005 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
El Isra University, Amman, Jordan |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 6-8, 2005 |
Pages |
pp 364-373 |
Online Date |
December 2005 |
File |
International Conference number 12
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Dr Chaker Mezioud |
Titer |
Modeling and Approaches of Spatial Ontologies for the Implementation of Prevention Systems of the Natural Risks « Landslides in the Town of Constantine |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
These last years, the phenomena of the natural risks became a preoccupation with a priority, in particular the landslides, which is a very significant phenomenon. The reduction of the risks caused by this last, requires a thorough knowledge of the seism, storms, floods as well as human, economic and environmental stakes. The natural risk management requires new monitoring systems of the significant zones in order to detect areas on which the study goes and to locate its progression. This approach is based on as permanent and precise observations as possible. The use of the GIS in the field of the prevention is of primary importance, as a tool for synthesis which gives access the geographical technology of analysis. The evaluation of the good decision as regards prevention of the natural risks passes by knowledge of interactions to short, average and long term, in order to maintain and to improve the state of, prevention and the maintenance alarm systems of the resources. For such reasons we will be in front of the challenges to present a reliable approach, by using new techniques, which are spatial ontologies and the systems multi agents, for the implementation of the systems of prevention of the natural risks. In this paper, we will deal with the problem of the landslides of the town of Constantine. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Landslides, Spatial ontologies, Multi Agents systems, System of Prevention, Interoperability and Heterogeneity. |
Conference |
CSIT’2006 : 4ème Multi Conférence Internationale de l’Informatique et de l’Information Technologique |
Organization |
Amman university of Technology |
ISBN 9957-8592-x |
Dates |
April 5-7, 2006 |
Pages |
Volume 2, pp. 393-400 |
Online Date |
April 2006 |
File |
International Conference number 13
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
GIS for the Desertification Detection and Follow-Up in the Biskra Region |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Since a lot of years, the Biskra region endures problems bound to the desertification. One notes that the wilaya and especially the Biskra city are threatened by advancing it of the desert, and in particular in winter and in fall where the desertification factors are very strong. The research of an explanation concerning these different factors of desertification, and of the less their detection and their follow-up, became a priority for everybody in the region. Our objective is to develop a computer tool (Geographical Information System: “G.I.S”) of help to the decision for the detection and the follow-up of the desertification factors in the Biskra region to permit the follow-up of this phenomenon and especially to take the decisions that will impose themselves. This system is going to permit the setting in work of a data base spatial, whose consultations are going to help towards the understanding of the phenomenon and especially to conduct simulations scripts. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Desertification factors, Spatial data base, Spatial requests and Simulation |
Conference |
CSIT’2006 : 4ème Multi Conférence Internationale de l’Informatique et de l’Information Technologique |
Organization |
Amman university of Technology |
ISBN 9957-8592-x |
Dates |
April 5-7, 2006 |
Pages |
Volume 2, pp. 401-411 |
Online Date |
April 2006 |
File |
International Conference number 14
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Dr Kamel Houari & Dr Sebastien Bres |
Titer |
Seek by the Contents of an Air Image in a Cartographic Data |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine and LIRIS Laboratory of Lyon |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, El Oued university and INSA of Lyon France |
Abstract |
These last years the increase of the storage capacities and the evolution of the compression techniques generated an explosion of the quantity of digital information. In this paper, we were interested in the problem of the indexing of a cartographic data base by a research of the content of an aerial picture. We are interested here that to the aspect extraction of roads and as well as the different stages evolution of the treatments. |
Key Words |
Data bases endexing, Roads extraction, Pictures matching, Segmentation in regions, Active contours, Neighbor nearest, Linear discriminative analysis, Quadratic discriminative analysis and Machines to support vector. |
Conference |
CSIT’2006 : 4ème Multi Conférence Internationale de l’Informatique et de l’Information Technologique |
Organization |
Amman university of Technology |
ISBN 9957-8592-x |
Dates |
April 5-7, 2006 |
Pages |
Volume 1, pp. 162-167 |
Online Date |
April 2006 |
File |
International Conference number 15
Authors |
Dr Hacene Belhadef & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Conception of a new ontology for the interoperability of the geographical information system. |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The present paper treats the problem of the interoperability of the geographic information system (GIS) by an approach based on ontology. This last is conceived of a new manner that is characterized by an approach inspired of the architectures of the computers networking 3- third party (see figure 1). The adoption of such approach is justified by the objective of our conception that was the separation between the treatment of the operations and the one of the data, as well as the ontology plays here a role of intermediation to minimize heterogeneity and to unify the communication between the different GIS. Several processes have been added to complete and to strengthen the working of this ontology. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Interoperability and Ontology |
Conference |
ACIT’2006 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Al-Yarmouk University, Jordan. |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 19-21, 2006 |
Pages |
3 pages |
Online Date |
December 2006 |
File |
International Conference number 16
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
SIG for the survey of the Evolution of the Distribution of the Population of the Adrar Region |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine and LIRIS Laboratory of Lyon |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, El Oued university and INSA of Lyon France |
Abstract |
The objective, in addition to the production of the geographical data, it is help to the decision. The geographical data bases created a level of abstraction of the real world, what moves away us of the reflection of the geographical card. Although the big Algerian south either very vast or rich, it remains under exploited. It is the reason for which, one was interested in statistics concerning the evolution of the distribution of the population of the Adrar region as well as the criteria influencing on her. So that the persons responsible of the development projects can intervene in the evaluation of the region urban space, they must be able to work on a system of geographical data processing of help to the decision. In this paper, we are going to present our project of realization of this system of information geographical SIG for the follow-up and the management of the urban data of the Adrar region via a data base geographical (spatial). It is based largely on the geographical region cards on which door the survey, and the manual realization of the cards requiring a lot of time and of the capacities important of storage. The user must be able to do the analyses and the spatial requests and finally to publish the reports giving account of the situations of simulations done. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Evolution of populations, Statistics of populations, Spatial Data Base, Spatial requests, Geographical database, Geographical cards and Simulation |
Conference |
DCCA’2007: The 1st international Conference on Digital Communication & Computer Applications |
Organization |
Irbed university, Jordan |
Dates |
March 19-22, 2007 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
March 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 17
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
SIG for the Follow-up and the Management of the Geology Mining Data of the Constantine Region |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine and LIRIS Laboratory of Lyon |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The mining geology is a part of applied geology that is about the useful mineral substances that they are metallic or no. It starts by the prospecting (mining research), until the discovery of economically exploitable layers. So that the mining geologist can intervene in the evaluation, the establishment of the technique of exploitation and treatment of ore, he must be able to work on a system of geographical data processing of help to the decision. In this paper, we are going to present our project of realization of this system of information geographical SIG for the follow-up and the management of the geology mining data of the Constantine region via a geographical (spatial) data base. It is based largely on the cards of the geographical regions on which door the survey, and the manual realization of the cards requiring a lot of time and of the capacities important of storage. The user must be able to do the analyses and the spatial requests and finally to publish the reports giving accounts of the simulations situations done. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Mining geology, Spatial database, Spatial requests, Geographical database, Geographical cards and Simulation |
Conference |
DCCA’2007: The 1st international Conference on Digital Communication & Computer Applications |
Organization |
Irbed university, Jordan |
Dates |
March 19-22, 2007 |
Pages |
13 pages |
Online Date |
March 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 18
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
SIG pour l’étude de l’évolution de la répartition de la population de la wilaya d’Adrar |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
L’objectif, en plus de la production des données géomatiques, c’est l’aide à la décision. Les bases de données géographiques ont créé un niveau d’abstraction du monde réel, ce qui nous éloigne du reflet de la carte géographique. Bien que le grand sud algérien soit très vaste et riche, il reste sous exploité. C’est la raison pour laquelle, on s’est intéressé aux statistiques concernant la l’évolution de la répartition de la population de la wilaya d’Adrar ainsi que les critères influant sur elle. Pour que les responsables des projets de développement puissent intervenir dans l'estimation de l’espace urbain de la wilaya, ils doivent pouvoir travailler sur un système d’informatique géographique d’aide à la décision. Dans ce papier, nous allons présenter notre projet de réalisation de ce système d’information géographique « SIG » pour le suivi et la gestion des données urbaines de la wilaya d’Adrar via une base de données géographiques (spatiales). Il est basé en grande partie sur les cartes géographiques de la wilaya sur lesquelles porte l’étude, et la réalisation manuelle des cartes nécessitant beaucoup de temps et des capacités importantes de stockage. L’utilisateur doit pouvoir effectuer des analyses et des requêtes spatiales et enfin éditer des rapports rendant compte des situations de simulations effectuées. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Evolution et statistiques des populations, Base de données spatiales, Requêtes spatiales, Base de données géographiques, Cartes géographiques et Simulation |
Conference |
SETIT’2007 : Sciences of Electronic Technologies of Information and Telecommunications |
Organization |
Sousse in Tunisia |
Dates |
March 25-29, 2007 |
Pages |
pp.104, 8 pages |
Online Date |
March 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 19
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
SIG pour le suivi et la gestion des données de la géologie minières de la région de Constantine |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La géologie minière est une partie de géologie appliquée qui traite des substances minérales utiles qu'elles soient métalliques ou non. Elle débute par la prospection (recherche minière), jusqu'à la découverte de gisements économiquement exploitables. Afin que le géologue minier puisse intervenir dans l'estimation, l'établissement de la technique d'exploitation et de traitement du minerai, il doit pouvoir travailler sur un système d’informatique géographique d’aide à la décision. Dans ce papier, nous allons présenter notre projet de réalisation de ce système d’information géographique « SIG » pour le suivi et la gestion des données de la géologie minière de la région de Constantine via une base de données géographiques (spatiales). Il est basé en grande partie sur les cartes des régions géographiques sur lesquelles porte l’étude, et la réalisation manuelle des cartes nécessitant beaucoup de temps et des capacités importantes de stockage. L’utilisateur doit pouvoir effectuer des analyses et des requêtes spatiales et enfin éditer des rapports rendant compte des situations de simulations effectuées. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Géologie minière, Base de données spatiales, Requêtes spatiales, Base de données géographiques, Cartes géographiques et Simulation |
Conference |
SETIT’2007 : Sciences of Electronic Technologies of Information and Telecommunications |
Organization |
Sousse in Tunisia |
Dates |
March 25-29, 2007 |
Pages |
pp.107, 12 pages |
Online Date |
March 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 20
Authors |
Dr Hacene Belhadef & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Conception d’une nouvelle ontologie pour l’interopérabilité des systèmes d’informations géographiques |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Nous avons traité dans le présent article, le problème de l’interopérabilité des systèmes d’informations géographiques (SIG) par une approche basée sur une ontologie. Cette dernière elle est conçue d’une nouvelle manière, qui se caractérise par une approche inspirée des architectures des réseaux informatiques 3-Tiers. L’adoption d’une telle approche est justifiée par l’objectif de notre conception qui était la séparation entre le traitement des opérations et celui des données, ainsi que l’ontologie joue ici un rôle d’intermédiation pour minimiser l’hétérogénéité et unifier le discours entre les différents systèmes d’Information géographiques. Plusieurs processus ont été ajoutés pour compléter et consolider le fonctionnement de cette ontologie. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Interopérabilité et Ontologie |
Conference |
SETIT’2007 : Sciences of Electronic Technologies of Information and Telecommunications |
Organization |
Sousse in Tunisia |
Dates |
March 25-29, 2007 |
Pages |
pp.105, 5 pages |
Online Date |
March 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 21
Authors |
Dr Kamel Houari & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Nouvelle approche de recherche d’images aériennes par le contenu dans une base de données cartographiques |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Le sujet de recherche exposé dans ce papier concerne la recherche par le contenu des images dans une base de données cartographique. L'augmentation des capacités de stockage et l'évolution des techniques de compression ont engendré une explosion de la quantité d'information numérisée. Leur informatisation ouvre un vaste champ d'applications. Dans ce cadre, nous nous sommes intéressés plus particulièrement au problème de l’indexation d’une base de données cartographique par une recherche du contenu d’une image aérienne (on s’intéresse qu’à l’aspect extraction de routes), et dont voici les principales étapes : l'extraction non supervisée des réseaux linéiques (dans notre cas on s’intéresse qu’aux routes) à partir d'images aériennes. Nous utilisons dans cette étape une modélisation du réseau linéique par un processus dont les objets sont des segments interagissant entre eux. Le modèle apriori est construit de façon à exploiter au mieux la topologie du réseau recherché au travers de potentiels fondés sur la qualité de chaque interaction. Les propriétés radio métriques sont prises en compte dans un terme d'attache aux données fondé sur des mesures statistiques; comme seconde phase, on procède à la reconstitution d’une grille des surfaces planes avec comme méthode de classification qui respecte les relations spatiales entre les points (c.à.d. information de voisinage). Nous appliquerons les trois méthodes suivantes : la méthode du voisin le plus proche, l’analyse discriminante linéaire (ADL) et l’analyse discriminante quadratique (ADQ) et machines à vecteur de support (SVM). Par l’application de ces trois méthodes, nous aurons une carte de classes labellisées des régions par contours actifs de notre image requête. Pour déterminer les classes qui seront utilisé comme entrées dans la prochaine phase nous tiendrons en compte que les classes de régions connexes et nous éliminons les classes de régions discontinues. Troisième phase : Indexation de la base de données cartographique à travers l’appariement de la grille des surfaces connexes obtenues. Ceci encalculant les surfaces relatives de chaque classe de surface et qui seront introduits comme vecteurs de caractéristiques pour chaque surface (on considère que chaque surface ne peut pas avoir plus de 8 arêtes connexes). Et donc, Nous adoptons l'approche de segmentation en régions qui fournit une approximation naturelle des objets. Pour satisfaire les besoins d'un système de recherche par régions, nous proposons une approche de segmentation rapide et non supervisée (par des réseaux de neurones) pour détecter des régions grossières et pertinentes pour l'utilisateur. Quatrième Phase : Restitution des emplacements possibles trouvés par notre moteur de l’image requête. |
Key Words |
Indexation de bases de données, Extraction de routes, Appariement d’images, Segmentation en régions, Contours actifs, Voisin le plus proche, Analyse discriminante linéaire, Analyse discriminante quadratique et Machines à vecteur de support (SVM). |
Conference |
SETIT’2007 : Sciences of Electronic Technologies of Information and Telecommunications |
Organization |
Sousse in Tunisia |
Dates |
March 25-29, 2007 |
Pages |
pp.106, 5 pages |
Online Date |
March 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 22
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Of π-calculus towards PVS: an approach for the software architectures cheeks |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The users are more and more demanding towards their software. They wait for a big reliability, for a number ceaselessly increasing of services, the respect for constraints of conviviality, for cost Therefore, the size and the complexity of the software increases. The current techniques do not allow to protect us from problems of conception, Now they are more expensive to us to detect them during the phase of the implementation or the test that at the time of the conception. That is why we need a high-level modeling of the system, which would allow us to analyze the organization between the various elements of calculation and the interactions between these elements. This level of abstraction is called the architecture of the software, which serves for modeling, analyze and test the most important aspects of the development to obtain software more safe and in a faster way. The idea leads us to think of a work on the conception and the development of a new language of description of architecture ( ADL), based on a formal model in the mathematical sense, and focuses on the formal description of the software architectures (the structure and the behavior- Dynamics, time of execution). |
Key Words |
Software architecture, Language formal language, Higher order logic and Check system of proofs. |
Conference |
ACIT’2007 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Lattakia, Syria |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
26-28 November, 2007 |
Pages |
5 pages |
Online Date |
November 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 23
Authors |
Miss Zahia Brahimi, Dr Hamid Bessalah, Miss Amina Tarabet & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A new selective encryption of JPEG2000 code stream for confidential images transmission |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, a novel selective encryption image scheme based on JPEG2000 is proposed, which encrypts only the code-blocks corresponding to some sensitive precincts. In order to improve the security level we introduce the permutation of code blocks contributing in the selected precincts. Symmetric encryption AES with CFB mode is used to encrypt swapped code blocks. The idea of combining permutation and selective encryption is used in order to minimize the amount of processed data encryption while ensuring the best possible degradation through the permutation. The proposed process encryption doesn’t introduce superfluous JPEG2000 markers in the protected code stream, i.e, the protected code stream format is compliant to JPEG2000 code stream one. It keeps file format and compression ratio unchanged and doesn’t degrade the original error robustness. The proposed scheme works with any standard ciphers and introduces negligible computational cost. |
Key Words |
Security, JPEG2000 Compression, Selective encryption, AES, Code blocks, Permutation and Medical images, |
Conference |
MCSEAI’08: Proceedings of Maghrebian conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence |
Organization |
Oran, Algeria |
Dates |
April 28‐30, 2008 |
Pages |
pp. 184-187 |
Online Date |
April 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 24
Authors |
Miss Zahia Brahimi, Dr Hamid Bessalah, Miss Amina Tarabet & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A new selective encryption of JPEG2000 code stream for confidential images transmission |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, Research Center CDTA of Algiers and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, a novel selective encryption image scheme based on JPEG2000 is proposed, which encrypts only the code-blocks corresponding to some sensitive precincts. In order to improve the security level we introduce the permutation of code blocks contributing in the selected precincts. Symmetric encryption AES with CFB mode is used to encrypt swapped code blocks. The idea of combining permutation and selective encryption is used in order to minimize the amount of processed data encryption while ensuring the best possible degradation through the permutation. The proposed process encryption doesn’t introduce superfluous JPEG2000 markers in the protected code stream, i.e, the protected code stream format is compliant to JPEG2000 code stream one. It keeps file format and compression ratio unchanged and doesn’t degrade the original error robustness. The proposed scheme works with any standard ciphers and introduces negligible computational cost. |
Key Words |
Security, JPEG2000 compression, Selective encryption, AES, Code blocks, Permutation and Medical images, |
Conference |
TELE-INFO’08: 7th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Telecommunications and Informatics |
Organization |
Istanbul, Turkey |
ISBN: 978-960-6766-64-0, ISSN: 1790-5117 |
Dates |
May 27-30, 2008 |
Pages |
pp. 104-108 |
Online Date |
May 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 25
Authors |
Miss Zahia Brahimi, Dr Hamid Bessalah, Miss Amina Tarabet & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
An encryption scheme for JPEG2000 code stream based on packets header information and data encryption for confidential medical images transmission |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, Research Center CDTA of Algiers and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, a novel selective encryption scheme for JPEG2000 code stream is proposed. Many of proposals format compliant encryption schemes for JPEG2000 that have been made encrypt packet body data, but leave header packet in plaintext. Our proposed scheme encrypts code-blocks data corresponding to some sensitive precincts. This encryption is combined to a cyclic permutation of all packets headers in the bit stream. Actually, in the JPEG2000 code stream, packet header information is specific to the visual content, and it is can be used as a fingerprint of the code stream. The proposed process doesn’t introduce superfluous JPEG2000 markers in the protected code stream, i.e, the protected code stream format is compliant to JPEG2000 code stream one. It keeps file format and compression ratio unchanged and doesn’t degrade the original error robustness. The proposed scheme works with any standard ciphers and introduces negligible computational cost. |
Key Words |
Communication system security, Computer applications, Image coding, Biomedical imaging and Cryptography |
Conference |
TELE-INFO’08: 7th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Telecommunications and Informatics |
Organization |
Istanbul, Turkey |
ISBN: 978-960-6766-64-0, ISSN: 1790-5117 |
Dates |
May 27-30, 2008 |
Pages |
pp. 109-113 |
Online Date |
May 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 26
Authors |
Miss Zahia Brahimi, Dr Hamid Bessalah, Miss Amina Tarabet & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A new selective encryption technique of JPEG2000 code stream for medical images transmission |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, Research Center CDTA of Algiers and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, a novel selective encryption image scheme based on JPEG2000 is proposed, which encrypts only the code-blocks corresponding to some sensitive precincts. In order to improve the security level we introduce the permutation of code blocks contributing in the selected precincts. Symmetric encryption AES with CFB mode is used to encrypt swapped code blocks. The idea of combining permutation and selective encryption is used in order to minimize the amount of processed data encryption while ensuring the best possible degradation through the per- mutation. The proposed process encryption doesn’t introduce superfluous JPEG2000 markers in the protected code stream, i.e, the protected code stream format is compliant to JPEG2000 code stream one. It keeps file format and compression ratio unchanged and doesn’t degrade the original error robustness. The proposed scheme works with any standard ciphers and introduces negligible computational cost. |
Key Words |
Confidential transmission, Selective encryption, JPEG 2000 coding, Precincts and Code blocks, |
Conference |
IEEE SSD’2008: 5th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices |
Organization |
AMMAN, Jordan |
978-1-4244-2206-7/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4244-22067. |
Dates |
July 20-23, 2008 |
Pages |
pp. 131, 4 pages |
Online Date |
July 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 27
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Carto Web Solution for the Web Mapping |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In all domains, the on line stake of an interactive cartography is essential for the diffusion of information by the general public. The on line stake of a cartography on Internet can take several shapes. It can be about static cards, as picture. Interactions with the user can be added on the produced cards. It is about functions of displacements; zoom as well as functions of presentation (display of information, change of scale, global view). To this level, we try as possible to interrogate, by selection, of the objects represented on the card (townships, establishments). This level is called the fluent Web mapping. The dynamic cartography is used when the represented information is constantly renewed and distant. In this case, a server is in real time about the data bases actualized in order to offer the users of the answers to their particular requests. The functions proposed in this case come closer of those of GIS software (acquirement, manipulation, management and treatment of geographical data). In our paper, we are going to explore the possibilities of dynamic cartography integration on the Web. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Web mapping, Carto Web, Cartography and Geographical data |
Conference |
IACeT’08: International Arab Conference on e-Technology |
Organization |
Amman, Jordan |
ISSN (Online): 1759-1171 - ISSN(Print): 1759-1163 |
Dates |
15-16 October, 2008 |
Pages |
pp 105-113 |
Online Date |
October 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 28
Authors |
Mme Naouel Ouafek, Dr Hacene Belhadef & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A new methodology for the development of computer ontologies |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper we propose a new methodology for construction of ontology, which is based on a set of mapping rules from a conceptual schema (Entity- Relationship) and its logical model (relational model) to a conceptual ontology. The proposed methodology consists of three big steps, which are, the Transformation (mapping), the Formalization and the Codification. The crucial step in the process of this methodology, is the transformation, this last is based on an automatic extraction of information (such as entities, the relationship between them, their properties, the cardinalities,..) from a conceptual model ER , its corresponding relational schema, and the data stored in the database (the extensional schema) to create a conceptual ontology. The idea proposed in this paper has several objectives and can be exploited in many areas, among other is to minimize the manual work for the extraction of relevant terms on a domain of discourse, the second is facilitating the migration of an existing domain based on a traditional conceptual approach (entity relationship) to another solution based on an ontological approach, while retaining the principle of the first domain. |
Key Words |
Entity-relationship, Ontology, Migration and Mapping rules. |
Conference |
IACeT’08: International Arab Conference on e-Technology |
Organization |
Amman, Jordan |
ISSN (Online): 1759-1171 - ISSN(Print): 1759-1163 |
Dates |
15-16 October, 2008 |
Pages |
pp 151-156 |
Online Date |
October 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 29
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Resolution of the problems of optimization for mobile phone operators: An approach based on agents and ontologies space. |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The important success of the mobile systems of telecommunication motivates the suppliers of service to be reflected about enormous means of investments for infrastructures of network. The conception of big cellular networks is a complex problem, which turns around a big impact: the quality of the service and the cost of the network. With the continuous and fast growth of the traffic of communication, the large-scale planning becomes more and more difficult. This need is now more pointed with the evolution of phone networks (GSM), because of the biggest complexity of the system and the number of parameters which must be considered. In this subject, the solutions of the problems of dynamic optimization, Multi criteria associating the financial criteria (cost of the network), the technical criteria (insurance, availability) are developed in a context and the criteria of sale (quality of service). The interest of meta heuristics (methods of optimization) is based on their capacity to find the effective solutions in a reasonable time. But with objective multi-problems, the efficiency of meta heuristics can be compromised. Consequently, in this context it is necessary to integrate these methods into more general arrangements to develop more effective methods. For such reasons we are going to present an approach based on the Multi-Agents Systems (MAS) and the spatial ontologies, to conceive methods adaptive automobile which can react to the shape of the problem. |
Key Words |
GSM network, Cellular networks, Multi-agents systems, Spatial ontologies and Dynamic optimization. |
Conference |
CAN’S 2008: Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems, Medical Applications of the Complex Systems, |
Organization |
Biomedical Computing, Tg. Mures, Romania |
ISSN 2065-0426 |
Dates |
8-10 November 2008 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
November 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 30
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Modelling and Approaches of Spatial Ontologies for the Implementation of Prevention System of the natural Ricks : landslides in the Town of Constantine |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
These last years, the phenomena of the natural risks became a preoccupation with a priority, in particular the landslides, which is a very significant phenomenon. The reduction of the risks caused by this last, requires a thorough knowledge of the seism, storms, floods as well as human, economic and environmental stakes. The natural risk management requires new monitoring systems of the significant zones in order to detect areas on which the study goes and to locate its progression. This approach is based on as permanent and precise observations as possible. The use of the GIS in the field of the prevention is of primary importance, as a tool for synthesis which gives access the geographical technology of analysis. The evaluation of the good decision as regards prevention of the natural risks passes by knowledge of interactions to short, average and long term, in order to maintain and to improve the state of, prevention and the maintenance alarm systems of the resources. For such reasons we will be in front of the challenges to present a reliable approach, by using new techniques, which are spatial ontologies and the systems multi agents, for the implementation of the systems of prevention of the natural risks. In this paper, we will deal with the problem of the landslides of the town of Constantine. |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, Landslides, Spatial ontologies, Multi agents systems, System of prevention, Interoperability and Heterogeneity. |
Conference |
ACIT’2008 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Multimedia Information & Advanced Computing Laboratory (MIR@CL), University of Sfax, Tunisia, Hammamet-Tunisia |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
16-18 December, 2008 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
December 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 31
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
An ADL based on π-calcul for the analysis of the dynamic and mobile software architectures |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The users are more and more demanding towards their software. They wait for a big reliability, for a number ceaselessly increasing of services, the respect for constraints of conviviality, for cost … Therefore, the size and the complexity of the software increases. The current techniques do not allow protecting us from problems of conception, now they are more expensive to us to detect them during the phase of the implementation. That is why we need a high-level modeling of the system; this level of abstraction is called the architecture of the software, which serves for modeling, for analyzing and for testing the most important aspects of the development to obtain software more safe and in a faster way. . The idea leads us to think of a work on the conception and the development of a new architecture description language (ADL), based on a formal model in the mathematical sense, and focuses on the formal description of the software architectures (the structure and the behavior - dynamics, time of execution). In other words, we direct to a language of description of architecture (π -ADL) having a formal foundation, that is π-calcul. This last one is a very powerful language (dynamics and evolving in the time, and the PVS system (Prototype Verification System), based on the logic of superior order, for purpose to analyze dynamic and mobile software architectures. What asks us for the presence of a formalism of conversion of important set concepts of the language π-calcul, in terms of the other concepts of the language PVS. |
Key Words |
Software architecture, Language of description of architecture, Formal language, Higher order logic and System of check of proofs. |
Conference |
ACIT’2008 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Multimedia Information & Advanced Computing Laboratory (MIR@CL), University of Sfax, Tunisia, Hammamet-Tunisia |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
16-18 December, 2008 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
December 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 32
Authors |
Dr Khadoudja Ghanem, Dr Alice Caplier & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Estimation of anger, sadness and fear expressions intensity based on the belief theory |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
This article presents a new method to estimate the intensity of a human facial expression. supposing an expression occurring on a face has been recognized among the six universal emotions (joy, disgust, surprise, sadness, anger, fear), the estimation of the expression’s intensity is based on the determination of the degree of geometrical deformations of some facial features and on the analysis of several distances computed on skeletons of expressions. these skeletons are the result of a contour segmentation of facial permanent features (eyes, brows, mouth). The proposed method uses the belief theory for data fusion. the intensity of the recognized expression is scored on a three-point ordinal scale: "low intensity", "medium intensity" or " high intensity". Experiments on a great number of images validate our method and give good estimation for facial expression intensity. We have implemented and tested the method on joy, surprise and disgust and now we implement the same method on the following expressions: anger, fear and sadness. |
Key Words |
Facial expression, Intensity estimation and Belief theory. |
Conference |
ACIT’2008 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Multimedia Information & Advanced Computing Laboratory (MIR@CL), University of Sfax, Tunisia, Hammamet-Tunisia |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
16-18 December, 2008 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
December 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 33
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Research of a new approach for the resolution of the problems of optimization for mobile phones operators |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The important success of the mobile systems of telecommunication motivates the suppliers of service to be reflected about enormous means of investments for infrastructures of network. The conception of big cellular networks is a complex problem, which turns around a big impact: the quality of the service and the cost of the network. With the continuous and fast growth of the traffic of communication, the large-scale planning becomes more and more difficult. This need is now more pointed with the evolution of phone networks (GSM), because of the biggest complexity of the system and the number of parameters which must be considered. In this subject, the solutions of the problems of dynamic optimization, Multi criteria associating the financial criteria (cost of the network), the technical criteria (insurance, availability) are developed in a context and the criteria of sale (quality of service). The interest of meta heuristics (methods of optimization) is based on their capacity to find the effective solutions in a reasonable time. But with objective multi-problems, the efficiency of meta heuristics can be compromised. Consequently, in this context it is necessary to integrate these methods into more general arrangements to develop more effective methods. For such reasons we are going to present an approach based on the Multi-Agents Systems (MAS) and the spatial ontologies, to conceive methods adaptive automobile which can react to the shape of the problem. |
Key Words |
GSM network, Cellular networks, Multi-agents Systems, Spatial ontologies and Dynamic optimization. |
Conference |
IEEE-IC4’2009: The 2e IEEE International conferences on Computer Control & Communication |
Organization |
Karachi, Pakistan |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
February 17-18, 2009 |
Pages |
4 pages |
Online Date |
February 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 34
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Dynamic architecture for solving optimization problems of operators for mobile telephony |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The operators of the mobile telephony are more and more demanding towards their applications. They wait for a big reliability, for a number ceaselessly increasing of services, the respect for the constraints of conviviality, for cost, etc. Therefore, the size and the complexity of the applications increase. The current techniques do not allow protecting us from problems of conception. That is why we need a high-level modeling, which will allow us to analyze the organization between the various elements of the system and the interactions between these elements. The interest of the systems multi agents ensues from collective behavior produced by the interactions of several autonomous and flexible entities called agents, whom these interactions turn around the cooperation, around the competition or of it. However techniques come from this domain, concentrate more on the expression of the relations inter-agents. The expression of the mobility from the point of view of the distributed systems is not described. A property acquired time, will allow processes to choose themselves to move on the sites of a network to work locally on the resources and be exchanged their interactions. Reason for which, we are going to propose in this paper a formalization which appeals to an algebra of process, which is π-calcul, to conceive systems automobile adaptive which can react to the shape of the problem. |
Key Words |
GSM, Cellular networks, Multi agents systems, Algebra of process and Dynamic optimization. |
Conference |
EEE GIIS’2009 : Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Global Information Infrastructure Symposium |
Organization |
Hammamet, Tunisia |
ISBN: 978-1-4244-4623-0. |
Dates |
23-25 June 2009 |
Pages |
4 pages |
Online Date |
June 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 35
Authors |
Dr Hacene Belhadef, Mme Naouel Ouafek & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A set of mapping rules ER and relational schema database toward an Ontology |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, we propose a set of mapping rules between the conceptual model ER and the corresponding relational database schema towards ontology. The rules that we propose are divided into two categories, those who transform the ER schema and others transform the relational database schema, the two complement each other to build an ontology representing a new view of reality perceived. The purpose of this work is to provide users with conventional systems, the convenience of migrating to an ontological approach without loss of information with an opportunity to enrich their systems, while retaining the principle of running the old system. More migration, our application has the potential to create new information systems based on an ontology without the user is connoisseur of philosophy ontological, while giving him the impression that works in an ER environment. |
Key Words |
Mapping rules, Database, ER schema and Relation schema |
Conference |
ICADIWT 2008: First IEEE International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, Sponsored by IEEE |
Organization |
VSB- Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic |
Dates |
August 4 - 6, 2008. |
Pages |
10.1109/ICADIWT.2008.4664361 |
Online Date |
August 2008. |
File |
International Conference number 36
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Solving problem of optimization of cellular networks for mobile telephony: towards a dynamic architecture based on agents |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In recent years, wireless communication systems have experienced tremendous growth, especially in broadcasting, television or handheld computers to the new generation with Web access (UMTS, GPRS). Meanwhile, the techniques of radio are now crucial to a growing number of services. As a result, the size and complexity of applications increases. Current technology cannot protect us from design problems. That is why we need a high-level modeling, which we will analyze the organization between the different elements of the system and the interactions between them. The interest of multi-agent systems stems from the collective behavior produced by the interaction of several autonomous entities called agents and flexible, these interactions that revolve around cooperation, competition and coexistence between these agents. However, techniques from the field, focus more on the expression of inter-agents. The expression of the mobility point of view of distributed systems is not described. A property once acquired, will allow the process to choose for themselves to move on the sites of a network to work locally on the resources and make their exchange interactions. Why we propose in this paper a formalization that uses a process algebra, which is the π-calculus to develop self-adaptive systems that can respond to the form of the problem. |
Key Words |
GSM, Cellular networks, Multi agents systems, Algebra of process and Dynamic optimization. |
Conference |
IE’09: Conference Intelligent Environments 2009, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments |
Organization |
Barcelona, Spain, IOS Press |
ISSN 1875-4163 |
Dates |
Volume 2, 2009 |
Pages |
pp 447-459 |
Online Date |
2009 |
File |
International Conference number 37
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Planification et réaménagement du réseau cellulaire: une approche à base d’ontologies spatiales et d’agents |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Au cours de ces dernières années, les systèmes de communication hertziens ont connu une croissance exceptionnelle, notamment dans la radiodiffusion. Ce besoin est maintenant bien plus aigu avec l’évolution des réseaux téléphoniques (GSM), en raison de la plus grande complexité du système et du nombre de paramètres qui doivent être considérés. Parallèlement, les techniques de radiocommunication revêtent désormais une importance cruciale pour un nombre croissant de services. . La conception de grands réseaux cellulaires est un problème complexe, qui tourne autour d’un grand impact : la qualité du service et le coût du réseau. Avec la croissance continue et rapide du trafic de communication, la planification à grande échelle devient de plus en plus difficile. Dans ce sujet, la solution des problèmes d’optimisation, sont développées dans un contexte multicritères associant les critères financiers (coût du réseau), les critères techniques (assurance, disponibilité) et les critères de vente (qualité de service). Par conséquent, dans ce contexte il est nécessaire d'intégrer ces outils d'optimisation dans des arrangements plus généraux afin de développer des méthodes bien plus efficaces. Pour de telles raisons nous nous retrouverons devant le défis de présenter une fiable approche, en utilisant de nouvelles techniques, qui sont les ontologies spatiales et les systèmes multi agents, afin de concevoir les méthodes auto adaptatives qui peuvent réagir à la forme du problème. |
Key Words |
GSM, Réseaux cellulaire, Optimisation, Ontologies spatiales et Systèmes multi Agents. |
Conference |
JIGOT’2009: Journées sur les informations géographiques et l’observation de la terre |
Organization |
Laboratoire LSIIT, Toulouse, France |
Dates |
09-10 November, 2009 |
Pages |
7 pages |
Online Date |
November, 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 38
Authors |
Miss Imene Bensalem & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Toponym Disambiguation by Arborescent Relationship |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
A reference to a place in the geographic space can be formal based on the spatial coordinates, or informal, that we use in natural language using toponyms (place names). The informal representation is ambiguous: a toponym can represent multiple locations. This ambiguity has made an issue the conversion of toponyms to a unique formal representation. Toponym disambiguation in text is the task of assigning a unique location to an ambiguous place name in a given context. Several toponym disambiguation heuristics assume a geographical proximity between the toponyms of the same context. This proximity can be in term of spatial distance or in term of arborescent relationship, i.e. Proximity in the hierarchical tree of the world places. This paper presents a new toponym disambiguation heuristic in text based on the quantification of the arborescent proximity between toponyms. Our method outperforms the stat of the art methods compared with it using geosemcor corpus. |
Key Words |
Toponyms disambiguation, Arborescent proximity, Geographical density and Referent hierarchical path |
Conference |
ACIT’2009 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Sanaa, Yémen |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
15-17 December, 2009 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
December, 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 39
Authors |
Dr Abdelkrim Bouramoul, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Dr Bich-Liên Doan |
Titer |
Context Based Query Reformulation for Information Retrieval on the Web |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, El Oued university and SUPELEC France |
Abstract |
Searching for information on the Web engages the user in a process of interrogating and querying the chosen search engine. However, the initial user's query rarely returns a result that satisfies his need for information. The reformulation of the initial query is to modify its terms in order to return a result that better meets the user’s needs. In this paper we propose a contextual query reformulation system that takes user’s context into consideration via his profile, thus we identify the parts of the context to be used to assist in the contextual reformulation and we show how the user’s profiles are used to catch the context, we present also the proposed architecture and the developed prototype. |
Key Words |
Information retrieval, Query reformulation, Dynamic context, Static context and User profiles |
Conference |
ACIT’2009 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Sanaa, Yémen |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
15-17 December, 2009 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
December, 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 40
Authors |
Miss Sabrina Sahraoui & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Exact method for resolving the Q3AP problem on calculation grid |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Quadratic assignment to three dimensions (Q3AP) is one of the most difficult of problems. Combinatorial Optimization, this problem is NP-complete and has several applications in data transmissions. Its exact resolution pass by the enumeration of a very broad search tree that contains a billion summits for instances of size medium. The resolution optimally large instances of the problem require implementing in Work of the complex methods requiring more than power of calculation. Currently, with the growth of calculation grids, many parallel models for exact methods have been proposed. For a good grids environmental exploitation, the initial problem is divided into many units of work. These are then distributed on a thousand of processors on the grid. The objective is to push the more far as possible the exact resolution Q3AP. Large scale tests on the Q3AP are still in perspective. |
Key Words |
Combinatorial optimization, Complex systems, Calculation grid, Parallel exact methods and Quadratic assignment |
Conference |
SIAM% : Conference on parallel processing for scientific computing |
Organization |
Grand Hyatt Seattle, Seattle, Washington |
Dates |
February 24-26, 2010 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
February 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 41
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud, Mr Mohamed-Naoufel Kholladi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
From Multi Agents and π-Calcul towards a dynamic architecture for optimizing cellular network for mobile phone |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The conception of big cellular networks is a complex problem, which turns around a big impact: the quality of the service and the cost of the network. With the continuous and fast growth of the traffic of communication, the large-scale planning becomes more and more difficult. This need is now more pointed with the evolution of phone networks (gsm), because of the biggest complexity of the system and the number of parameters which must be considered. In this subject, the solutions of the problems of dynamic optimization, multicriteria associating the financial criteria (cost of the network), the technical criteria (insurance, availability) are developed in a context and the criteria of sale (quality of service). As a result, the size and complexity of applications increases. Current technology can not protect us from design problems. That is why we need a high-level modeling, which we will analyze the organization between the different elements of the system and the interactions between them. The interest of multi-agent systems stems from the collective behavior produced by the interaction of several autonomous entities called agents and flexible, these interactions that revolve around cooperation, competition and coexistence between these agents. However, techniques from the field, focus more on the expression of inter-agents. The expression of the mobility point of view of distributed systems is not described. A property once acquired, will allow the process to choose for themselves to move on the sites of a network to work locally on the resources and make their exchange interactions. Why we propose in this paper a formalization that uses a process algebra, which is the π-calculus to develop self adaptive systems that can respond to the form of the problem. |
Key Words |
GSM, Cellular networks, Multi agents systems, Algebra of process and Dynamic optimization |
Conference |
IACe-T’2010: International Arab Conference on e-Technology |
Organization |
Arab Open University of Kuwait |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
March 30-31, 2010 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
March 30-31, 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 42
Authors |
Miss Imene Bensalem & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Toponym Disambiguation by Arborescent relationships |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
A reference to a place in the geographic space can be formal based on the spatial coordinates, or informal, that we use in natural language using toponyms (place names). The informal representation is ambiguous: a toponym can represent multiple locations. This ambiguity has made an issue the conversion of toponyms to a unique formal representation. Toponym disambiguation in text is the task of assigning a unique location to an ambiguous place name in a given context. Several toponym disambiguation heuristics assume a geographical proximity between the toponyms of the same context. This proximity can be in term of spatial distance or in term of arborescent relationship, i.e. Proximity in the hierarchical tree of the world places. This paper presents a new toponym disambiguation heuristic in text based on the quantification of the arborescent proximity between toponyms. Our method outperforms the stat of the art methods compared with it using geosemcor corpus. |
Key Words |
Toponyms disambiguation, Arborescent proximity, Geographical density and Referent hierarchical path |
Conference |
IACe-T’2010: International Arab Conference on e-Technology |
Organization |
Arab Open University of Kuwait |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
March 30-31, 2010 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
March 30-31, 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 43
Authors |
Miss Sabrina Sahraoui & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Exact Method for Resolving the Q3AP Problem on Calculation Grid |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The quadratic assignment with three dimensions (Q3AP) is one of the most difficult problems of combinative optimization, this problem is Np-complete and has several applications in particular in the data transmissions. Its exact resolution passes by the enumeration of a very broad tree of research it contains billion tops for authorities of intermediate size. The resolution until optimality of great authorities of the problem requires the implementation of complex methods which requires computing power more and more. Currently, with the rise of the grids of calculation, of many parallel models for the exact methods summers suggested have. For a good exploitation of the grids environment, the initial problem is divided into many work units. These last are then distributed on thousands of processors on the grid. The objective is thus to push further possible the exact resolution of problem Q3AP. Test with large scales on the Q3AP are always in prospect. |
Key Words |
Combinative optimization, Complex systems, Grid computing, Calculation grid, Exact methods parallel, Quadratic assignment and Terminal calculate. |
Conference |
ACIT’2010 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
organized by the university of Garyounis, Libya |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 14-16, 2010 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
December 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 44
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud, Mohamed-Naoufel Kholladi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Reflection on the modeling and exploitation of spatial ontologies for solving optimization problems of mobile telephony |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The GSM (global system for mobile communication) continue to evolve to ensure quality coverage increasingly important. In this respect, solutions to problems of dynamic optimization are developed in a multicriteria context involving financial criteria (cost of the network), the technical criteria (insurance, availability) and the criteria for sale (quality of service). For these reasons we present an approach based on spatial ontologies are a promising way to describe and share information approved by a community of people who provide an accurate description of data sources that approach treats the initial planning phase of cellular network aims to develop an optimal network. We want reach a solution that is tailored geographic area. |
Key Words |
GSM, Cellular networks, Dynamic optimization and Spatial ontology. |
Conference |
WOCN’2011, IEEE |
Organization |
Paris- FRANCE |
Dates |
May 24th, 25th and 26th 2011 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
May 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 45
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Mme Chahinez Kholladi & Miss Sirine Kholladi |
Titer |
The Intranet and Its Impact in the hold of decisions at the level of enterprises |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Principal objective of the introduction of a computerized information system using the new technologies of information and the communication (ntic) by the internet and the intranet are: improvement of the quality of the hold in charge of problems, assessment of service activities, restraint of the administrative management, restraint of the continuous increase of management costs and facilitated the hold of decisions. The management of the enormous mass of information with the conventional means: better organization, good administration and qualified and sufficient staff, drag a difficult and complex management: not of control serious of management and men, not of transparency in activities and bad administrative management. Solutions susceptible aim to optimize the use rational of the enormous material, human and financial resources of enterprise to satisfy our objectives and to introduce the techniques most modern of treatments of information by the setting up of a leading diagram of the enterprise. Contributions of the computer tool by the new technologies of information and communication “ntic” in the domain of the management are: better organization of activities, considerable gain in time, minimum of expense, better exploitation of information in real time and to improve methods, means of storage, treatments of data and holds of decisions efficiently. In the setting of this communication we are going to approach aspects of the intranet of enterprises in the setting of the decision hole. |
Key Words |
Intranet, Internet, NTIC, System of information, Enterprise and Takes decisions |
Conference |
ACIT’2010 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
organized by the university of Garyounis, Libya |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 14-16, 2010 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
December 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 46
Authors |
Mme Aicha Eutamene, Dr Hacene Belhadef & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
New process ontology-based character recognition |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
We present in this paper, the general description of a classical process of character recognition, and subsequently we describe our contribution for a new process that is characterized by a step of creating of domain ontology, representing the Latin alphabet in the form of concepts, where each concept represents a grapheme (features). In this work we consider that there is a robust extraction module of primitives that will serve us to instantiate our ontology, by the different graphemes and their spatial relationships that exist in the processed enriching it by new specific spatial relationships. Our process represents a new approach in the domain of character recognition, we have not developed a final product but our idea is promising in this domain. |
Key Words |
Annotation, Characters recognition, Grapheme, Ontology, Pattern recognition, Semantic and Typographical primitives. |
Conference |
MTSR’2011: 5th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, Proceedings published in the communication in computer and information science (CCIS) Series, Vol 240 of © Springer-Verlag LNCS |
Organization |
Izmir, Turkey |
ISBN 978-3-642-24730 |
Dates |
October 12-14, 2011 |
Pages |
Vol 240, pp. 137-144 |
Online Date |
to appear by the october 29, 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 47
Authors |
Dr Esma Bendiab & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
The Danger Theory Applied to Vegetal Image Pattern Classification |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Artificial Immune Systems (AISs) are a type of intelligent algorithm inspired by the principles and processes of the human immune system. Despite the successful implementation of different AISs, the validity of the paradigm "self non self" have lifted many questions. The Danger theory was an alternative to this paradigm. If we involve its principles, the AIS is being applied as a classifier. However, image classification offers new prospects and challenges to data mining and knowledge extraction. It is an important tool and a descriptive task seeking to identify homogeneous groups of objects based on the values of their attributes. In this paper, we describe our initial framework in which the danger theory was apprehended by the Dendritic cells algorithm is applied to vegetal image classification. The approach classifies pixel in vegetal or soil class. Experimental results are very encouraging and show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach. |
Key Words |
Artificial immune system (AIS), Danger theory (DT), Dendritic cell algorithm (DCA) and Image classification |
Conference |
ICARIS’2011: The10th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems”, P. Liò, G. Nicosia, and T. Stibor (Eds.), © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS (2011), (Book Chapter), The proceedings will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. Best Papers will be published in Evolutionary Computation Journal and BMC Bioinformatics. |
Organization |
Cambridge, UK |
ISSN 0302-974, ISBN 978-3-642-22370-9 |
Dates |
July 18-21, 2011. |
Pages |
pp. 406–418 |
July Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6825, Artificial Immune System Systems, LNCS 6825 |
Online Date |
2011 |
File |
International Conference number 48
Authors |
Dr Esma Bendiab & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A Method for Plant Classification Based on Artificial Immune System and Wavelet Transform |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, CHUC of Constantine and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Leaves recognition plays an important role in plant classification. Its key issue lies in whether selected features are stable and have good ability to discriminate different kinds of leaves. In this paper, we propose a novel method of plant classification from leaf image set based on artificial immune system (AIS) and wavelet transforms. AISs are a type of intelligent algorithm;they emulate the human defense mechanism and they use its principles, to give them the power to be applied as a classifier. In addition, the wavelet transform offers fascinating features for texture classification. Experimental results show that using artificial immune system and wavelet transform to recognize leaf plant image is possible, and the accuracy of recognition is encouraging. |
Key Words |
Artificial immune system (AIS), Dendritic cell algorithm (DCA), Digital wavelet transform and Leaves classification. |
Conference |
SDIWC: The International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Applications, H. Cherifi, J.M. Zain, and E. El-Qawasmeh (Eds.): DICTAP 2011, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, sponsored by Springer and Published by Springer |
Organization |
university of Bourgogne, Dijon, France, Part I, CCIS 166, pp. 199–208, 2011. Communications in Computer and Information Science, CCIS 166 |
ISSN 1865-0929, ISBN 978-3-642-21983-2, |
Dates |
June 21-23, 2011 |
Pages |
Volume 166, pp. 199-208. |
10.1007/978-3-642-21984-9_17 |
Online Date |
June 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 49
Authors |
Dr Abdelkrim Bouramoul, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Dr Bich-Liên Doan |
Titer |
A new three levels context based approach for web search engines evaluation |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, El Oued university and SUPELEC France |
Abstract |
Classical approaches for evaluating information retrieval tools have limitations and shortcomings, particularly regarding to the consideration of the user, the manner in which these approaches measure the adequacy between the user's query and the returned documents, and the consideration of the search tool characteristics. This critical finding prompted our reflections for the exploitation of contextual elements around the user, the query and the search tool during the evaluation process. This paper presents a new approach based on three complementary levels of context for evaluating information retrieval tools. The experiments gives at the end of this article has shown the applicability for the proposed approach to real research tools. The tests were performed with the most popular searching engine (i.e. Google, Bing and Yahoo) selected in particular for their high selectivity. The results have revealed that the evaluation of search engines at three different levels of context is a promising way to diagnose the performance, characteristics and behavior of these engines and the relevance of the results that they return. |
Key Words |
Web search, Engines evaluation and Information retrieval. |
Conference |
DepCos’11: In Sixth International Conference on Dependability and Computer Systems |
Organization |
Poland. Published in Springer’s “Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing”, © Springer-Verlag Berlin. Germany |
ISBN: 978-3-642-21393-9 |
Dates |
28 June, 2010 – 2 July, 2010 |
Pages |
Volume 97, pp. 31-45 |
10.1007 |
Online Date |
2011 |
File |
International Conference number 50
Authors |
Dr Abdelkrim Bouramoul, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Dr Bich-Liên Doan |
Titer |
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems Towards a New Context-Based Approach |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, El Oued university and SUPELEC France |
Abstract |
The crucial role of the evaluation in the development of the information retrieval tools is useful evidence to improve the performance of these tools and the quality of results that they return. However, the classic evaluation approaches have limitations and shortcomings especially regarding to the user consideration, the measure of the adequacy between the query and the returned documents and the consideration of characteristics, specifications and behaviors of the search tool. Therefore, we believe that the exploitation of contextual elements could be a very good way to evaluate the search tools. So, this paper presents a new approach that takes into account the context during the evaluation process at three complementary levels. The experiments gives at the end of this article has shown the applicability of the proposed approach to real research tools. The tests were performed with the most popular searching engine (i.e. Google, Bing and Yahoo) selected in particular for their high selectivity. The obtained results revealed that the ability of these engines to rejecting dead links, redundant results and parasites pages depends strongly to how queries are formulated, and to the political of sites offering this information to present their content. The relevance evaluation of results provided by these engines, using the user's judgments, then using an automatic manner to take into account the query context has also shown a general decline in the perceived relevance according to the number of the considered results. |
Key Words |
Contextual evaluation, Evaluation campaigns, Relevance judgments, Information retrieval and Web search engine. |
Conference |
SIIE’2011: 4th. International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence, IEEE |
Organization |
Marrakech, Morocco |
Dates |
February 17-19th, 2011 |
Pages |
10 pages |
Online Date |
February 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 51
Authors |
Dr Hacene Belhadef, Mme Aiche Eutamene & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A general description of a new character recognition process based on ontology |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, we present a general description of a new character recognition process based on ontology, semantically annotated by a domain expert. Such process is based essentially on a matching step between two ontologies, the first represents a domain ontology, containing the typographical description of different characters represent an alphabet of a well definite language (Latin for example), the second ontology, describes the document in question in the form of concepts where each concept represents a grapheme located in a well-defined order in the document. |
Key Words |
Character recognition, Grapheme, Matching, Ontology, Semantic, Annotation and Typographical features. |
Conference |
ICDIPC’2011: International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications, Proceedings published in the communication in computer and information science (CCIS) Series, Vol 189 of Springer-Verlag, LNCS, Sponsored by SDIWC:Springer and published by Springer. |
Organization |
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic |
ISBN 978-3-642-22409-6 |
Dates |
July 7-9, 2011 |
Pages |
Part 15, pp. 538-546 |
Online Date |
July 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 52
Authors |
Dr Hacene Belhadef, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Mme Aiche Eutamene |
Titer |
Ontology of Graphemes for Latin Character Recognition |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, we present a general description of an ontology, describing the different character of Latin language, which is semantically annotated by a domain expert. This ontology represents the typographical description of the analyzed and processed document, by a set of concepts where each concept, represents a grapheme of character and must be designated by a unique number denoting its position or its localization in the document. The relationship between, two graphemes is of spatial type; it represents the connectivity between graphemes in the document to facilitate the recognizing process of characters. Our ontology is generic and can support other languages by enriching it by new specific spatial relationships. |
Key Words |
Character recognition, Grapheme, Ontology, Spatial relationship and Typographical features |
Conference |
ICAE’2011: International Conference on Advances in Engineering |
Organization |
Nanjing, China |
Procedia Engineering 24 |
Dates |
December 24-25, 2011 |
Pages |
Part 15, pp. 579-584 |
Online Date |
December 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 53
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Mme Ryma Guefrouchi |
Titer |
Parallel Hybrid Meta-heuristic: Genetic Algorithm with Hill Climbing to Resolve the QAP |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In several practical application domains, combinatorial optimization problem (POC) is an very important. Due to the difficulty of problems optimization and many practical applications that can take the formula of a POC. Currently the major challenge is to resolve a generic POC large, where the use of meta-heuristic is recommended. Their approach "A unique solution", based on the appearance of intensification, quickly gives a good solution, but may be trapped by a local optimum. This above is avoided with the appearance of diversification provided by approach "to the population of solution", the latter has the disadvantage that found solution set is just an approximation of the optimum .this while we can see that the hybridization of two approaches can better guide the process of research to the optimal solution, the mechanism of parallelism is a computing power and can accelerate the process of optimization. To enter this hybridization gains parallel it offers in this paper an application of the latter on the QAP quadratic assignment. |
Key Words |
DFO, Meta-heuristics, Intensification, Diversification, Hybridization and Parallelism. |
Conference |
ACIT’2011: The 12th International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Naif Arad University of Security Science (NAUSS), Saudi Arabia |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 11-14, 2011 |
Pages |
7 pages |
Online Date |
December 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 54
Authors |
Miss Sirine Kholladi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Treatments and Mergers in the Spatial Data Framework for Semantic Interoperability of Geographic Information Systems |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Interoperability is necessary for many applications in the field of geographic information systems and systemsofdecision support. It involves sharing and reuse of data from various heterogeneous information systems. Ontologies are emerging as an important solution to build a body of knowledge shared and reusable that support their interaction. They define the common terms of representation providing a shared understanding of scope among user groups. In this paper, we present a general framework for a new mediation system capable of managing semantic interoperability between different information systems, particularly in geographic information systems based on ontologies. We will apply certain techniques in our approach can ensure cooperation between ontologies see the data to achieve semantic interoperability, such as merging and mapping. They are used to allow data sharing between heterogeneous knowledge bases, information reuse of these bases and stop-loss information to ensure the cooperation of an interoperable information system. |
Key Words |
GIS, Semantic interoperability, Cooperation, Mediation, Ontology, Mapping and Fusion. |
Conference |
ACIT’2012: The 13th International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Zarqa University, Amman, Jordan |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 10-13, 2012. |
Pages |
12 pages |
Online Date |
December 2012. |
File |
International Conference number 55
Authors |
Mme Hassiba Talbi, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & A. Taleb-Ahmed |
Titer |
Predator Prey Optimizer for Multimodal Medical Image Registration |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper we describe our approach to predator-prey optimizer (PPO), a form of particle swarm optimizer where new particles called predators are introduced. PPO has been proposed as an attempt to achieve better balance between exploration and exploitation abilities of a particle swarm optimizer. The objective of predator-prey optimization is to use predator particles to help avoiding premature convergence to sub-optimal solutions in particle swarm optimizers. The swarm particles (prey particles) are repelled by predators, which in turn are attracted to the best individuals in the swarm. The resulting interactions make total convergence less difficult to the swarm, maintaining diversity in the population. First results of this new approach on multimodal medical image registration are presented and the performance of the algorithm is compared to the performance of the standard particle optimizer. |
Key Words |
Prey optimization, Particle swarm optimization and Image registration. |
Conference |
SETIT’2012: Sciences of Electronic Technologies of Information and Telecommunications |
Organization |
Sousse, Tunisia |
Dates |
March 21-24, 2012 |
Pages |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Online Date |
march 2012 |
File |
International Conference number 56
Authors |
Dr Abdelkrim Bouramoul, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Dr Bich-Liên Doan |
Titer |
An ontology-based approach for semantics ranking of the web search engines results |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university, El Oued university and SUPELEC France |
Abstract |
This work falls in the areas of information retrieval and semantic web, and aims to improve the evaluation of web search tools. Indeed, the huge number of information on the web as well as the growth of new inexperienced users creates new challenges for information retrieval; certainly the current search engines (such as Google, Bing and Yahoo) offer an efficient way to browse the web content. However, this type of tool does not take into account the semantic driven by the query terms and document words. This paper proposes a new semantic based approach for the evaluation of information retrieval systems; the goal is to increase the selectivity of search tools and to improve how these tools are evaluated. The test of the proposed approach for the evaluation of search engines has proved its applicability to real search tools. The results showed that semantic evaluation is a promising way to improve the performance and behavior of search engines as well as the relevance of the results that they return. |
Key Words |
Information retrieval, Semantic web, Ontology, Results ranking and Web search engines. |
Conference |
ICMCS 2012: The 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems |
Organization |
Tangier, Morocoo |
Dates |
10-12 May, 2012 |
Pages |
6 pages |
10.1109/ICMCS.2012.6320318 |
Online Date |
May 2012 |
File |
International Conference number 57
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Geographic information system management of seismic data in the region of Constantine – SeismoGIS |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The earthquake is an issue of risk management very topical in the world. The earthquakes were the cause of the deadliest disasters affecting many countries around the world. Given the dilapidated state of buildings and projects conducted in the northern region of the country, the socio-economic consequences of an earthquake on the frame could be catastrophic and result indamaging losses to human life and the economy national. Prevention of seismic riskis essential inthe management and planning.The Constantine is located in that area, and seismic hazards in this region, represent continuing risks that affectthewhole of the region. In this paper, we will outline our geographic information system to manage seismic riskin the region of Constantine. |
Key Words |
Earthquake, Seismic risk, Geographical information system, Seismic data bank and Geographicaldatabase. |
Conference |
IACeT’2012: International Arab Conference of e-Technology |
Organization |
Zarqa Amman Jordan |
Dates |
April 25-27, 2012 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
04/2012 |
File |
International Conference number 58
Authors |
Miss Feriel Abdelkaoui & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Towards spatio-Temporal Toponym Ontology to Assist in Geographic Information Retrieval |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
During the search for geographical information in web pages, people are geo-referred with toponyms (place names) instead the use of coordinates. The conceptions of places are often complicated ambiguous and different in different time. When gazetteers are utilized as background knowledge in geographic information retrieval (GIR), they are limited because of their poor geographic semantics. Therefore, there is a need to specify the place name to geospatial semantic knowledge. Ontologies play a key role in the development of semantic spatial search. We propose in this paper the design methodology for building the spatio-temporal toponym ontology based on the basic formal ontology (BFO) and the Algerian administrative division. The spatio-temporal toponym ontology includes geographic elements such as spatial relationships, concepts, terms and historical names related to a place, which can assist in GIR by expressing changes and time characteristics of the evolution of place names and providing factual and semantic reports to solving several common problems using free ontology editor tool protégé. |
Key Words |
Geographic information retrieval; Spatio-temporal ontology; Basic formal ontology; Place name ontology and Algerian administrative division |
Conference |
ICIST’2013: International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies |
Organization |
Tangier, Morocco |
Dates |
23-24 March, 2013 |
Pages |
Online Date |
March 2013 |
File |
International Conference number 59
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Prof. Robert Laurini |
Titer |
Base de Connaissances Spatiales pour la Reconnaissance des Objets: Cas des Objets Géologiques |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La diversité des problématiques de manipulations de connaissances spatiales met en relief la multiplicité des méthodes de raisonnements et la difficulté de les unifier dans un raisonnement type, qui serait susceptible de s'appliquer à tous les cas de figures. En d'autres termes serait-il possible d'aboutir à un moteur unique d'inférence géométrique générique que l'on peut appliquer à n'importe quelle type d'application? L'objectif est de décrire d'une manière succincte les différents modèles spatiaux géométriques et topologiques utilisés pour capter la richesse sémantique des objets spatiaux et surtout d'utiliser la puissance intensive et compréhensive d'inférence de ces modèles spatiaux géométriques et topologiques. Dans la perspective de développement d'outils dédiés aux raisonnements spatiaux, le travail de recherche publié dans cet article apportera une contribution dans les trois axes différents suivants: maîtrise des moyens de représentations selon les types d'applications, adaptation de la modélisation des objets spatiaux et manipulations et raisonnements spatiaux dans des contextes différents. |
Key Words |
Base de connaissances spatiales, Manipulation des connaissances, Raisonnement spatial et Moteur d’Inférences spatiales |
Conference |
CMIAGL’1989 : Première Conférence Maghrébine sur l’intelligence Artificielle et le Génie Logiciel |
Organization |
Contantine, Algeria |
Dates |
24-27 September, 1989 |
Pages |
20 pages |
Online Date |
September 1989 |
File |
International Conference number 60
Authors |
Prof. Rachid Benlamri, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Mourad Ykhlef & Mourad Zeghib |
Titer |
Urban Spatial Analysis for Digital Cartography |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Digital cartography has been an active field of research for many years. In this paper, a method for urban spatial modeling and reasoning that provide valuable intellectual aids for sorting out different spatial problems is presented. In particular, the goal of this paper is to show the interest of a model based on Rectangle-trees (R-trees) for solving spatial map queries in digital cartography, where spatial aspect is privileged. By spatial queries here we mean : point-in- polygon queries, region queries and path queries. A knowledge based system that uses computational geometry based rules is employed for solving such queries. |
Key Words |
Spatial queries, knowledge based system, urban spatial analysis, R-tree representation and computational geometry. |
Conference |
ICSS’94: International Conference on Signal and Image Processing |
Organization |
Algiers, Algeria |
Dates |
24-26 September, 1994 |
Pages |
5 pages |
Online Date |
September 1994 |
File |
International Conference number 61
Authors |
Prof. Rachid Benlamri, Prof. Mohamed-Chaouki Batouche, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Mme Adla Bentellis & Kamel Mehdi |
Titer |
Un générateur d’Architectures Systoliques à Base de Transputer |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Key Words |
Conference |
ISPS’1995: Second Int. Symposium on Programming and Systems |
Organization |
Algiers, Algeria |
Dates |
10-12 April, 1995 |
Pages |
pp. 139-148 |
Online Date |
April 1995 |
File |
International Conference number 62
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi, Prof. Rachid Benlamri & Prof. Mohamed-Chaouki Batouche |
Titer |
Urban Spatial Analysis using R-trees |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
During the last decade, various GIS for urban needs have been designed and developed. They differ in the way of organising and reasoning about spatial information. This is mainly due to the nature of spatial objects and their properties related to semantic, geometric and topological aspects. In this paper, an urban information system for representing, modelling and manipulating urban objects is presented. The paper outlines a method providing a basis for valuable intelligent aids to solve problems such as land use planning, environmental assessment and demo-socio-economic analysis. In particular, the paper shows the interest of a topological model based on Rectangle-Tree (R-Tree) structure for solving most of urban spatial queries such as locating queries, neighbourhood queries, distance queries and map-updating queries. |
Key Words |
Geographic information systems, Spatial queries, Spatial reasoning, Urban spatial analysis, Rectangle-tree representation and Database systems. |
Conference |
MCSEAI’1996: Fourth Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence |
Organization |
Algiers, Algeria |
Dates |
14-18 April, 1996 |
Pages |
14 pages |
Online Date |
April 1996 |
File |
International Conference number 63
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Système d’Analyse et de Raisonnement sur des Objets Urbains ‘SARSOU’ |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Si la maîtrise de la gestion des données alphanumériques, à l’aide de système de gestion de base de données, est très simple à mettre en œuvre. Elle n’est pas acquise pour les connaissances spatiales dont les composantes topologiques et géométriques sont les plus importantes. L’urbanisme est une des applications spatiales caractérisée par la manipulation d’une masse volumineuse d’objets spatiaux, multimédia et multi sources. D’où la complexité d’une exploitation manuelle de ces objets ayant une nature spécifique. Le recours des urbanistes à la cartographie automatique a donné lieu à un système d’analyse et de raisonnement spatial sur des objets urbains (S.A.R.S.O.U.), qui fait l’objet de notre article. Ce système doit disposer de concepts et d’outils capables d’exploiter la richesse sémantique des objets spatiaux, tels que : des formalismes de modélisation des connaissances spatiales urbaines, des modèles de représentation spatiale de ces connaissances, des méthodes d’indexation spatiale de ces connaissances et enfin d’outils mathématiques et surtout géométriques pour résoudre les requêtes spatiales. Le but de cet article est de présenter justement notre système S.A.R.S.O.U. développé en coopération scientifique avec des entreprises de la région de Constantine. |
Key Words |
Connaissances spatiales, Représentation spatiale hybride filaire-quadtree, Indexation hybride R-Tree et Courbe de Peano, Requêtes spatiales et Raisonnement spatial orienté-objet. |
Conference |
AL-SIG’99 : Séminaire International sur les SIGs |
Organization |
Conseil National de l’Information Géographique « CNIG », Alger, Algérie |
Dates |
15-17 Novembre 1999 |
Pages |
10 pages |
Online Date |
15-17 Novembre 1999 |
File |
International Conference number 64
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Modèle Numérique de Terrain par la Méthode de Triangulation de Delaunay avec Contraintes |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
L'objet de cet exposé porte sur la conception d'un Modèle Numérique de Terrain ou "M.N.T". à partir de réseaux irréguliers de triangles. A cet effet, nous proposons un algorithme de construction de la triangulation de Delaunay avec contraintes pour l'approximation et la description de la surface topographique. Cet algorithme appartient à la classe des algorithmes incrémentaux dans laquelle la triangulation est mise à jour localement à chaque ajout ou retrait de points et de lignes (représentation des caractéristiques linéaires de la surface). Il n'impose aucun ordre préétabli de saisie, ni de connaissance globale de l'échantillonnage avant triangulation. Enfin, pour exploiter et traiter notre modèle de triangulation, nous avons développé des procédures qui permettent de générer les courbes de niveau, de réaliser des calculs de volume et de la visualisation de terrain. Ce modèle montre une grande flexibilité pour dériver des informations à l'usage de diverses applications dans les systèmes d'informations géographiques ou "S.I.G". |
Key Words |
Système d'information géographique, Modèle numérique de terrain, Réseau irrégulier de triangles et Triangulation de Delaunay avec contraintes |
Conference |
AL-SIG’99 : Séminaire International sur les SIGs |
Organization |
Conseil National de l’Information Géographique « CNIG », Alger, Algérie |
Dates |
15-17 Novembre 1999 |
Pages |
21 pages |
Online Date |
15-17 Novembre 1999 |
File |
International Conference number 65
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Mécanismes de raisonnement spatiaux sur des objets géographiques |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La diversité des problématiques de manipulations de connaissances spatiales met en relief la multiplicité des méthodes de raisonnements et la difficulté de les unifier dans un raisonnement type, qui serait susceptible de s'appliquer à tous les cas de figures. En d'autres termes serait-il possible d'aboutir à un moteur unique d'inférence géométrique générique que l'on peut appliquer à n'importe quelle type d'application? L'objectif est de décrire d'une manière succincte les différents modèles spatiaux géométriques et topologiques utilisés pour capter la richesse sémantique des objets spatiaux et surtout d'utiliser la puissance intensive et compréhensive d'inférence de ces modèles spatiaux géométriques et topologiques. Dans la perspective de développement d'outils dédiés aux raisonnements spatiaux, le travail de recherche publié dans cet article apportera une contribution dans les trois axes différents suivants: la maîtrise des moyens de représentations selon les types d'applications, l’adaptation de la modélisation des objets spatiaux; et les manipulations et raisonnements spatiaux dans des contextes différents. |
Key Words |
Base de connaissances spatiales, Manipulation des connaissances, Raisonnement spatial et Moteur d’inférences spatiales |
Conference |
AL-SIG’99 : Séminaire International sur les SIGs |
Organization |
Conseil National de l’Information Géographique « CNIG », Alger, Algérie |
Dates |
15-17 Novembre 1999 |
Pages |
9 pages |
Online Date |
15-17 Novembre 1999 |
File |
International Conference number 66
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Les structures fractales des objets urbains dans un SIG |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Sur le plan des grandes agglomérations et surtout des villes, la surface construite a souvent une forme irrégulière, en dépit des efforts des urbanistes pour promouvoir des formes plus compactes. L’ordre spatial interne des grandes agglomérations relève de la géométrie fractale. Cet article montre l’intérêt d’appliquer la géométrie fractale aux villes et aux réseaux de communication des zones urbaines. Ici, on va surtout focaliser notre attention sur l’analyse grossière de la structure de la forme des constructions en matière d’occupation des surfaces du sol (fractales de surface telles les tapis de Sierpinski), et ce à des échelles permettant l’analyse des agglomérations et des villes comme celle de Constantine. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Géométrie fractale, Objet urbain et Analyse urbaine. |
Conference |
FRACTALES’2000 : Conférence Méditerranéenne sur les fractales, |
Organization |
Les départements d’informatique, de Mathématiques et d’électronique des Facultés des sciences de l’ingénieur et des sciences de l’université Mentouri Constantine et le CDTA d’Alger, Constantine, Algérie |
Dates |
11-12 November, 2000 |
Pages |
pp 101-114. |
Online Date |
November, 2000 |
File |
International Conference number 67
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Programme d'informatisation des systèmes d'information des archives pour la gestion des documents et l'administration des archives nationales |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La présentation et la mise au point d’un programme d'informatisation à long terme de la gestion des documents et l'administration des archives nationales ou locales suivant pour l’essentiel les trois objectifs suivants: comprendre l'importance des archives historiques et courantes en tant que sources fondamentales d'informations et d’inspirations, aider à l’organisation et la mise en place des systèmes et des services de gestion des documents courants et des archives permettant leurs exploitation et favoriser le développement et la diffusion des connaissances grâce à la formation de spécialistes de la gestion des archives courantes et historiques. Les activités seront axées essentiellement sur le développement des infrastructures, la formation pratique et théorique, la protection du patrimoine des archives; la promotion du développement et de l'application des techniques et des recherches de pointe en informatique à la théorie et à la pratique archivistes mettant en valeur l’importance des normes et règles des archives dans le cadre de l’informatisation des archives et leur mise à disposition via des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication « NTIC » accessibles aussi bien aux chercheurs qu’aux historiens et autres. |
Key Words |
Informatisation, Système d'information et Archives |
Conference |
Première conférence arabe sur les technologies de l'information des archives nationales, organisé par le Laboratoire de recherche N T I D N de Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et le Développement National du Département de Bibliothéconomie de la faculté des sciences humaines et sociales à l'Université Mentouri Constantine |
Organization |
Constantine, Algérie |
Dates |
21-22 April, 2003 |
Pages |
20 diapos |
Online Date |
April 2003 |
File |
International Conference number 68
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Urban Modelling and Spatial Analysis: UMSA |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
During the last decade, various GIS for urban needs have been designed and developed. They differ in the way of organising and reasoning about spatial information. This is mainly due to the nature of spatial objects and their properties related to semantic, geometric and topological aspects. In this paper, an urban information system for representing, modelling and manipulating urban objects is presented. The paper outlines a method providing a basis for valuable intelligent aids to solve problems such as land use planning, environmental assessment and demo-socio-economic analysis. In particular, the paper shows the interest of a topological model based on Rectangle-Tree (R-Tree) structure for solving most of urban spatial queries such as locating queries, neighbourhood queries, distance queries and map-updating queries. |
Key Words |
Geographic information systems, Spatial queries, Spatial reasoning, Urban spatial analysis, Rectangle-tree representation and Database systems. |
Conference |
CISC’2004: The International Conference on Complex System |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria |
Dates |
6-8 September, 2004 |
Pages |
7 pages |
Online Date |
September 2004 |
File |
International Conference number 69
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Raisonnement et Manipulation Spatial des objets Urbain : RMSOU |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Si la maîtrise de la gestion des données alphanumériques, à l’aide de système de gestion de base de données, est très simple à mettre en œuvre, elle n’est pas acquise pour les connaissances spatiales dont les composantes topologiques et géométriques sont les plus importantes. L’urbanisme est une des applications spatiales caractérisée par la manipulation d’une masse volumineuse d’objets spatiaux et multimédia. D’où la complexité d’une exploitation manuelle de ces objets ayant une nature spécifique. Le projet de recherche avec les urbanistes a donné lieu à un système d’analyse et de raisonnement spatial sur des objets urbains "RMSOU.", qui fait l’objet de notre article. Ce système doit disposer de concepts et d’outils capables d’exploiter la richesse sémantique des objets spatiaux, tels que : des formalismes de modélisation des connaissances spatiales urbaines, des modèles de représentation spatiale de ces connaissances, des méthodes d’indexation spatiale de ces connaissances et enfin d’outils mathématiques et surtout géométriques pour résoudre les requêtes spatiales. Le but de cet article est de présenter justement notre système RMSOU développé en coopération scientifique avec des agences urbaines de la région de Constantine. |
Key Words |
Connaissances spatiales, Représentation spatiale hybride filaire-quadtree, Indexation hybride R-Tree et courbe de Peano, Requêtes spatiales et Raisonnement spatial orienté-objet. |
Conference |
CISC’2004: The International Conference on Complex System |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria |
Dates |
6-8 September, 2004 |
Pages |
13 pages |
Online Date |
September 2004 |
File |
International Conference number 70
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
SIG pour le suivi de la remontée des eaux de la wilaya d’El Oued Souf |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Depuis bien des années, la wilaya d’El Oued Souf souffre d’un gros problème de remontée des eaux en surface. On note que la wilaya et surtout la ville sont menacées par ce fléau, surtout en hiver où le gradient de remontée des eaux en surface par capillarité ne cesse d’augmenter. La recherche d’une explication concernant cette remontée des eaux en surface est devenue une priorité pour les autorités et les gens de la région. Notre objectif est de développer un outil informatique (SIG) d’aide à la décision pour le suivi de la remontée des eaux de la wilaya d’El Oued Souf pour permettre le suivi de ce phénomène naturel et artificiel. Ce système va permettre la mise en œuvre d’une base de données spatiales, dont les consultations vont aider à la compréhension du phénomène et surtout de procéder à des simulations. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Remontée des eaux, Base de données spatiales, Requêtes spatiales et Simulation. |
Conference |
CiiA’05 : Congrès internationale en Informatique appliquée |
Organization |
Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria |
Dates |
19-21 November, 2005 |
Pages |
10 pages |
Online Date |
November 2005 |
File |
International Conference number 71
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
SIG pour la détection et le suivi des zones polluées de la région de Constantine |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Depuis bien des années, la wilaya de Constantine souffre des problèmes de pollutions de nature diverse. On note que la wilaya et surtout la ville sont menacées par des maladies diverses, et en particulier en été où les pollutions industrielles et automobiles prennent des pics dangereux pour la santé de la population. La recherche d’une explication concernant ces pollutions, et du moins leur détection et suivi, sont devenus une priorité pour tout le monde de la région. Notre objectif est de développer un outil informatique (SIG) d’aide à la décision pour la détection et le suivi de diverses pollutions de la wilaya de Constantine pour permettre le suivi de ce phénomène et surtout de prendre les décisions qui s’imposeront. Ce système va permettre la mise en œuvre d’une base de données spatiales, dont les consultations vont aider à la compréhension du phénomène et surtout de procéder à des scénarios de simulations. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Pollution, Base de données spatiales, Requêtes spatiales et Simulation. |
Conference |
CIP’2005 : Conférence Internationale sur la Productique |
Organization |
Tlemcen, Algeria |
Dates |
03-04 December, 2005 |
Pages |
15 pages |
Online Date |
December, 2005 |
File |
International Conference number 72
Authors |
Dr Hacene Belhadef & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Conception d’une nouvelle ontologie pour l’interopérabilité des systèmes d’informations géographiques |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Nous avons traité dans le présent article, le problème de l’interopérabilité des systèmes d’informations géographiques (SIG) par une approche basée sur une ontologie. Cette dernière elle est conçue d’une nouvelle manière, qui se caractérise par une approche inspirée des architectures des réseaux informatiques 3-Tiers (cf. figure 1). L’adoption d’une telle approche est justifiée par l’objectif de notre conception qui était la séparation entre le traitement des opérations et celui des données, ainsi que l’ontologie joue ici un rôle d’intermédiation pour minimiser l’hétérogénéité et unifier le discours entre les différents systèmes d’Information géographiques. Plusieurs processus ont été ajoutés pour compléter et consolider le fonctionnement de cette ontologie. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Interopérabilité and Ontologie |
Conference |
JIG’2006 : Journées Internationales sur l’Informatique Graphique |
Organization |
Centre universitaire de Tébessa (Algeria) avec la participation et la collaboration de l’institut de recherche en Informatique de Toulouse « IRIT » France |
Dates |
5-7 November, 2006 |
Pages |
4 pages |
Online Date |
November 2006 |
File |
International Conference number 73
Authors |
Dr Kamel Houari & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Nouvelle approche de recherche d’images aériennes par le contenu dans une base de données cartographiques |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Le sujet de recherche exposé dans ce papier concerne la recherche par le contenu des images dans une base de données cartographique. L'augmentation des capacités de stockage et l'évolution des techniques de compression ont engendré une explosion de la quantité d'information numérisée. Leur informatisation ouvre un vaste champ d'applications. Dans ce cadre, nous nous sommes intéressés plus particulièrement au problème de l’indexation d’une base de données cartographique par une recherche du contenu d’une image aérienne (on s’intéresse qu’à l’aspect extraction de routes), et dont voici les principales étapes : l'extraction non supervisée des réseaux linéiques (dans notre cas on s’intéresse qu’aux routes) à partir d'images aériennes. Nous utilisons dans cette étape une modélisation du réseau linéique par un processus dont les objets sont des segments interagissant entre eux. Le modèle a priori est construit de façon à exploiter au mieux la topologie du réseau recherché au travers de potentiels fondés sur la qualité de chaque interaction. Les propriétés radio métriques sont prises en compte dans un terme d'attache aux données fondé sur des mesures statistiques. Comme seconde phase, on procède à la reconstitution d’une grille des surfaces planes avec comme méthode de classification qui respecte les relations spatiales entre les points (c.à.d. information de voisinage). Nous appliquerons les trois méthodes suivantes : la méthode du voisin le plus proche, l'analyse Discriminante Linéaire (ADL) et l’Analyse Discriminante Quadratique (ADQ), les machines à vecteur de support (SVM). Par l’application de ces trois méthodes, nous aurons une carte de classes labellisées des régions par contours actifs de notre image requête. Pour déterminer les classes qui seront utilisé comme entrées dans la prochaine phase nous tiendrons en compte que les classes de régions connexes et nous éliminons les classes de régions discontinues. Troisième phase : Indexation de la base de données cartographique à travers l’appariement de la grille des surfaces connexes obtenues. Ceci en calculant les surfaces relatives de chaque classe de surface et qui seront introduits comme vecteurs de caractéristiques pour chaque surface (on considère que chaque surface ne peut pas avoir plus de 8 arêtes connexes). Et donc, Nous adoptons l'approche de segmentation en régions qui fournit une approximation naturelle des objets. Pour satisfaire les besoins d'un système de recherche par régions, nous proposons une approche de segmentation rapide et non supervisée (par des réseaux de neurones) pour détecter des régions grossières et pertinentes pour l'utilisateur. La quatrième phase consiste à la restitution des emplacements possibles trouvés par notre moteur de l’image requête. |
Key Words |
Indexation de bases de données, Extraction de routes, Appariement d’images, Segmentation en régions, Contours actifs, Voisin le plus proche, Analyse discriminante linéaire, Analyse discriminante quadratique et Machines à vecteur de support (SVM). |
Conference |
JIG’2006 : Journées Internationales sur l’Informatique Graphique |
Organization |
Centre universitaire de Tébessa (Algeria) avec la participation et la collaboration de l’institut de recherche en Informatique de Toulouse « IRIT » France |
Dates |
5-7 November, 2006 |
Pages |
5 pages |
Online Date |
November 2006 |
File |
International Conference number 74
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
SIG pour le suivi et la gestion des données de la géologie minière de la région de Constantine |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La géologie minière est une partie de géologie appliquée qui traite des substances minérales utiles qu'elles soient métalliques ou non. Elle débute par la prospection (recherche minière), jusqu'à la découverte de gisements économiquement exploitables. Afin que le géologue minier puisse intervenir dans l'estimation, l'établissement de la technique d'exploitation et de traitement du minerai, il doit pouvoir travailler sur un système d’informatique géographique d’aide à la décision. Dans ce papier, nous allons présenter notre projet de réalisation de ce système d’information géographique « SIG » pour le suivi et la gestion des données de la géologie minière de la région de Constantine via une base de données géographiques (spatiales). Il est basé en grande partie sur les cartes des régions géographiques sur lesquelles porte l’étude, et la réalisation manuelle des cartes nécessitant beaucoup de temps et des capacités importantes de stockage. L’utilisateur doit pouvoir effectuer des analyses et des requêtes spatiales et enfin éditer des rapports rendant compte des situations de simulations effectuées. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Géologie minière, Base de données spatiales, Requêtes spatiales, Base de données géographiques, Cartes géographiques et Simulation. |
Conference |
JIG’2006 : Journées Internationales sur l’Informatique Graphique |
Organization |
Centre universitaire de Tébessa (Algeria) avec la participation et la collaboration de l’institut de recherche en Informatique de Toulouse « IRIT » France |
Dates |
5-7 November, 2006 |
Pages |
13 pages |
Online Date |
November 2006 |
File |
International Conference number 75
Authors |
Mme Chahinez Kholladi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
3D Reconstruction of Urban Objects |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The urban application needs more and more the 3D geometric model of certain parts of city or of the whole city: planning urban, new constructions, interactive virtual visits of a city, etc. But in a lot of cases it’s not necessary to have very detailed and voluminous model in memory size and then not easy to handle. This is why our project can be really useful to permits the 3D simplified reconstruction of buildings. The objective of our work consists in the construction and development of a tool permitting exactly the reconstruction in three dimensions of urban zones and has for vocation to apply to all people having need of a simplified modeling of urban zones. Thus, the architect, the urbanist or the engineer in civil genius can found in this tool an instrument to the clarification of their projects. The idea of this project is the following: the conception of an application able to represent buildings in 3D, methods and approaches were multiple, our choice was determine by feasibilities criteria (time and available data). |
Key Words |
Geographical information system, 3D reconstruction, Assisted conception by computer and The three-dimensional modeling. |
Conference |
JIG’2007 : Journées Internationales sur l’Informatique Graphique |
Organization |
Université Mentouri Constantine (Algeria) avec la participation et la collaboration de l’institut de recherche en Informatique de Toulouse « IRIT » et de l’IRISA de Rennes, France. |
Dates |
29-30 October, 2007 |
Pages |
13 pages |
pp. 95-100 |
Online Date |
October 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 76
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Of π-calculus towards PVS : an approach for the software architectures checks |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The users are more and more demanding towards their software. They wait for a big reliability, for a number ceaselessly increasing of services, the respect for constraints of conviviality, for cost … Therefore, the size and the complexity of the software increases. The current techniques do not allow to protect us from problems of conception, Now they are more expensive to us to detect them during the phase of the implementation or the test that at the time of the conception. That is why we need a high-level modeling of the system, which would allow us to analyze the organization between the various elements of calculation and the interactions between these elements. This level of abstraction is called the architecture of the software, which serves for modeling, analyze and test the most important aspects of the development to obtain software more safe and in a faster way. The idea leads us to think of a work on the conception and the development of a new language of description of architecture ( ADL), based on a formal model in the mathematical sense, and focuses on the formal description of the software architectures (the structure and the behavior- Dynamics, time of execution). |
Key Words |
Software architecture, Language formal language, Higher order logic and System of check of proofs. |
Conference |
JIG’2007 : Journées Internationales sur l’Informatique Graphique |
Organization |
Université Mentouri Constantine (Algeria) avec la participation et la collaboration de l’institut de recherche en Informatique de Toulouse « IRIT » et de l’IRISA de Rennes, France. |
Dates |
29-30 October, 2007 |
Pages |
15 pages |
pp. 95-100 |
Online Date |
October 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 77
Authors |
Ghanem Mohamed-Samy & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Solution Carto Web pour le Web Mapping |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Dans tous les domaines, la mise en ligne d’une cartographie interactive est essentielle pour la diffusion de l’information auprès du grand public. Tous les éléments, constitutifs d'un objet géographique, sont représentés par des conventions, avec des symboles. Chaque élément est représenté à l'échelle de la réalité. La mise en ligne d'une cartographie sur Internet peut prendre plusieurs formes. Il peut s’agir de cartes statiques, sous forme d'image. Des interactions avec l'utilisateur peuvent être ajoutées sur les cartes produites. Il s'agit de fonctions de déplacements, de zoom ainsi que de fonctions de présentation (affichage d’informations, changement d'échelle, vue globale). A ce niveau, il est aussi possible d'interroger, par sélection, des objets représentés sur la carte (communes, établissements). Ce niveau est couramment appelé Web mapping. La cartographie dynamique est utilisée lorsque l'information à représenter est constamment renouvelée ou si l'étendue géographique de la zone à couvrir est grande. Dans ce cas, un serveur traite en temps réel des bases de données actualisées afin d'offrir aux utilisateurs des réponses à leurs requêtes particulières. Les fonctions proposées dans ce cas se rapprochent de celles d'un logiciel de SIG (acquisition, manipulation, gestion et traitement de données géographiques). Dans ce papier, on va explorer la possibilité d’intégration d’une cartographie dynamique sur le Web. |
Key Words |
Système d’information géographique, Web mapping, Carto web, Cartographie et Données géographiques |
Conference |
JIG’2007 : Journées Internationales sur l’Informatique Graphique |
Organization |
Université Mentouri Constantine (Algeria) avec la participation et la collaboration de l’institut de recherche en Informatique de Toulouse « IRIT » et de l’IRISA de Rennes, France. |
Dates |
29-30 October, 2007 |
Pages |
15 pages |
pp. 101-112 |
Online Date |
October 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 78
Authors |
Dr Hacene Belhadef & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A management system of publicity panels based ontology |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The main objective aimed by this article, is the construction of an urban ontology for the management automated of the publicity panels implanted along roads and the public voices. This article shows how the GIS domain can take advantage of new approaches of modeling and conceptualization based ontology and the advantages brought by this last. The service of the public road network of the Constantine city (Algeria country) in which we were interested in our case study, gave us a general idea on the problems concerning the decision making towards critical situations as the accidents, the optimization of the roads (ways) exploitation, the publicity panel management and all underlying problems. Orientation and the good organization of the road also make a primordial preoccupation of the service concerned. Our objective in this article is to assure a better use of the geographical information, by the good representation and interpretation of this information what also implies the understanding and the hold of the good decision. |
Key Words |
GIS, Urban ontology, Public road network and Publicity panel. |
Conference |
JIG’2007 : Journées Internationales sur l’Informatique Graphique |
Organization |
Université Mentouri Constantine (Algeria) avec la participation et la collaboration de l’institut de recherche en Informatique de Toulouse « IRIT » et de l’IRISA de Rennes, France. |
Dates |
29-30 October, 2007 |
Pages |
15 pages |
pp. 241-248 |
Online Date |
October 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 79
Authors |
Dr Kamel Houari, Dr Youssef Chair & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Sift detectors for matching areal images in reduced space |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper we propose a novel approach for matching cartographic images over detecting interest points invariant to scale and affine transformations. Our scale and affine invariant detectors are based on the following recent results: Interest points extracted with the SIFT detector which is adapted to affine transformations and give repeatable results (geometrically stable). This provides a set of distinctive points which are invariant to scale, rotation and translation as well as robust to illumination changes and limited changes of viewpoint. The characteristic scale determines a scale invariant region for each point. The characteristic scale and the affine shape of neighborhood determine an affine invariant region for each point. We apply an unsupervised classification to reduce the space of sets of interest points by using weighted bipartite graph matching in solving the point correspondence. Diffusion map: projection of the bipartite graph in a reduce space on which we apply K-means to classify the representatives clusters. The performance of our approach detector is also confirmed by excellent matching results. |
Key Words |
Interest points, Local features, Scale invariance, Affine invariance, Matching and Recognition. |
Conference |
CIP’2007: Conférence internationale sur la productique |
Organization |
Sétif, Algeria. |
Dates |
03-04 November, 2007 |
Pages |
pp. 241-248 |
Online Date |
November 2007 |
File |
International Conference number 80
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Approche à Base d’Agents et d’Onthologies Spatiales pour la Résolution des Problèmes d’Optimisation des Opérateurs de Téléphonie Mobile |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
L’important succès des systèmes mobiles de télécommunication motive les fournisseurs de service à réfléchir à d’énormes moyens d’investissements pour des infrastructures de réseau. La conception de grands réseaux cellulaires est un problème complexe, qui tourne autour d’un grand impact : la qualité du service et du coût du réseau. Avec la croissance continue et rapide du trafic de communication, la planification à grande échelle devient de plus en plus difficile. Ce besoin est maintenant bien plus aigu avec l’évolution des réseaux téléphoniques (GSM), en raison de la plus grande complexité du système et du nombre de paramètres qui doivent être considérés. Dans ce sujet, les solutions des problèmes d’optimisation dynamique, sont développées dans un contexte multicritères associant les critères financiers (coût du réseau), les critères techniques (assurance, disponibilité) et les critères de vente (qualité de service). L’intérêt des métaheuristiques (méthodes d’optimisation) est basé sur leur capacité de trouver les solutions efficaces dans un temps raisonnable. Mais avec des problèmes multi objectifs, l'efficacité des métaheuristiques peut être compromise. Par conséquent, dans ce contexte il est nécessaire d'intégrer ces méthodes dans des arrangements plus généraux afin de développer des méthodes bien plus efficaces. Pour de telles raisons nous allons présenter une approche basée sur les systèmes multi agents et les ontologies spatiales, afin de concevoir des méthodes auto adaptive qui peuvent réagir à la forme du problème. |
Key Words |
GSM, Réseaux cellulaires, Systèmes multi agents, Ontologies spatiales et Optimisation dynamique. |
Conference |
IMAGE’2008 : 4ème Symposium International on Images Multimédias Applications Graphiques et Environnements |
Organization |
Guelma, Algeria. |
Dates |
03-05 November, 2008 |
Pages |
13 pages |
Online Date |
November 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 81
Authors |
Mme Ouafek, Dr Hacene Belhadef & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Enrichissement sémantique des systèmes d’information pour la définition d’une ontologie |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper we propose a new methodology for construction of ontology, which is based on a set of mapping rules from a conceptual schema (Entity-Relationship) and its logical model (relational model) to a conceptual ontology. The proposed methodology consists of three big steps, which are, the Transformation (mapping), the Formalization and the Codification. The crucial step in the process of this methodology, is the transformation, this last is based on an automatic extraction of information (such as entities, the relationship between them, their properties, the cardinalities,..) from a conceptual model ER , its corresponding relational schema, and the data stored in the database (the extensional schema) to create a conceptual ontology. |
Key Words |
Information system, Entity-relation model, Ontology, Migration and Mapping rules. |
Conference |
ISOR’08 : International Symposium on Operational Research |
Organization |
Algiers-Algeria. |
Dates |
02-06 November, 2008 |
Pages |
pp. 760-773 |
Online Date |
November 2008 |
File |
International Conference number 82
Authors |
Miss Wafia Boubguira, Dr L. Grisoni & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Dessine-moi une réplique ! Métrique de quantification numérique de la précision du geste |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Quantifier la précision lors d’exécution d’un geste peut servir à observer le rétablissement chez un patient en phase de rééducation tout comme permettre l’apprentissage de l’écriture chez un enfant. Dans le domaine des interfaces homme machine, elle peut aider à quantifier l’aisance qu’aurait un utilisateur en effectuant un geste de control, et le degré d’attention qu’il accorde en exécutant cette tache. A notre connaissance il existe qu’un seul modèle composé pour quantifier la variabilité dans l’exécution, basé sur la variation en flexion et d’étirement. Dans ce papier, on s’est donné deux objectifs à atteindre, le premier est de proposer une autre perception pour enrichir les outils de quantification de la précision en fournissant un modèle numérique fondé sur le principe de différence entre deux courbes paramétrique. Robuste, il est invariant à la translation et la rotation 2D ainsi qu’au facteur d’échelle, et pour lequel la différence de nombre de points échantillonnés est gérable. Le second but est de présenter un outil qui permet de détecter les zones d’erreur où l’utilisateur trouve une difficulté à les reproduire, et par conséquent déduire les formes à éviter dans un geste de contrôle. |
Key Words |
Précision du geste, Métrique des Erreurs et Différence entre courbes paramétriques. |
Conference |
CITIC’09 : Conférence Internationale des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication |
Organization |
Setif, Algeria. |
Dates |
4-5 May, 2009 |
Pages |
10 pages |
Online Date |
May 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 83
Authors |
Mohamed-Naoufel Kholladi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Système d’Aide à la Classification des Sols |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Le raisonnement par classification permet entre autre de se positionner à une situation connue pour en appréhender une nouvelle, ou bien de reconnaître un objet en examinant ses caractéristiques afin de retrouver la classe à laquelle il se rattache. Ce mode de raisonnement est couramment utilisé dans les systèmes à héritage où les concepts sont décrits comme des collections de propriétés et organisé en hiérarchie. Cette hiérarchie forme le réseau sémantique d’une base de connaissances d'un système à raisonnement par classification. Nos travaux dans ce papier se situent dans le cadre des systèmes d'aide à la décision par le raisonnement pour classification visant maîtriser cette approche et de cerner les problèmes auxquels on se confronte, et ceci à travers une application dans le domaine de la pédologie. Notre système est conçu pour assister le pédologue dans son travail et en particulier dans la classification des sols. |
Key Words |
Raisonnement par classification, Pédologie, Système expert, Intelligence artificielle, Base de connaissances et Classification des Sols. |
Conference |
5ème Symposium International IMAGE’2009 : Images Multimédias Applications Graphiques et Environnements |
Organization |
Biskra, Algeria. |
Dates |
03 au 05 Novembre 2009 |
Pages |
pp. 199-216 |
Online Date |
03 au 05 Novembre 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 84
Authors |
Dr Abdelkrim Bouramoul, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Dr Bich-Liên Doan |
Titer |
Une architecture à base des profils pour la reformulation contextuelle des requêtes utilisateur |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Cet article s’inscrit dans le domaine de la recherche d'information sur le web et propose une architecture basée sur les profils utilisateurs pour la prise en compte du contexte dans la reformulation des requêtes. Il s'agit de capitaliser l'ensemble d'informations caractérisant chaque utilisateur sous forme d'éléments contextuels afin de les utiliser par la suite lors de la reformulation de la requête. Après un bilan sur les approches classiques pour la reformulation des requêtes, nous présentons la notion du contexte et celle du profil utilisateur. Nous décrivons par la suite l'architecture proposée toute en montrant comment les contextes statique et dynamique sont capturés et la manière selon laquelle ces deux types de contexte sont utilisés dans notre proposition. Nous présentons enfin le prototype développé et nous concluons. |
Key Words |
Recherche d'information, Web et Architecture à base de profils |
Conference |
ASD’2009 : 4ème Atelier sur les systèmes décisionnels |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria. |
Dépôt Légal : 5226 – 2009 et ISBN : 978 – 9961 – 9913 – 0 – 5 |
Dates |
10-11 November, 2009 |
Pages |
pp. 95-108. |
Online Date |
November 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 85
Authors |
Miss Imene Bensalem & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
l’Utilisation des chemins hiérarchiques des lieux pour la désambiguïsation des toponymes |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La collecte et l’intégration de données depuis plusieurs sources est une opération de préparation de données pratiquement présente dans tout projet du data mining. Avec l’avènement du Web et des bibliothèques numériques, le texte en langue naturelle est devenu une source importante d’informations pour le data mining. L’utilisation du texte comme source de données pâtit d’un grand obstacle à l’intégration et à la précision de données. Cet obstacle est l’ambiguïté des sens des mots y compris l’ambiguïté des toponymes (les noms des lieux) : un seul toponyme peut avoir plusieurs sens c.-à-d. peut se référer à plusieurs lieux dans la Terre. La Désambiguïsation des Toponyme est la tâche d’associer à un toponyme le lieu à lequel il se réfère. Cet article présente une nouvelle heuristique de désambiguïsation des toponymes dans le texte basée sur la mesure de corrélation entre les chemins hiérarchiques des référents candidats des toponymes du même contexte. |
Key Words |
Data mining, Désambiguïsation et Toponyme. |
Conference |
ASD’2009 : 4ème Atelier sur les systèmes décisionnels |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria. |
Dépôt Légal : 5226 – 2009 et ISBN : 978 – 9961 – 9913 – 0 – 5 |
Dates |
10-11 November, 2009 |
Pages |
pp. 219-230. |
Online Date |
November 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 86
Authors |
Dr Chaker Mezioud & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Une architecture dynamique pour la résolution des problèmes d’optimisation des opérateurs de la téléphonie mobile |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Les opérateurs de la téléphonie mobile sont de plus en plus exigeants vis-à-vis de leurs applications. Ils attendent une grande fiabilité, un nombre sans cesse croissant de services, le respect des contraintes de convivialité, de coût, etc. De ce fait, la taille et la complexité des applications augmentent. Les techniques actuelles ne permettent pas de nous protéger des problèmes de conception. C’est pourquoi nous avons besoin d’une modélisation de haut niveau, qui nous permettra d’analyser l’organisation entre les différents éléments du système et les interactions entre ces éléments. L’intérêt des systèmes multi agents découle des comportements collectifs produits par les interactions de plusieurs entités autonomes et flexibles appelées agents, que ces interactions tournent autour de la coopération, de la concurrence ou de la coexistence entre ces agents. Cependant des techniques viennent de ce domaine, se concentrent plus sur l’expression des relations inter-agents. L’expression de la mobilité du point de vue des systèmes distribués n’est pas décrite. Une propriété une fois acquise, permettra à des processus de choisir eux-mêmes de se déplacer sur les sites d’un réseau afin de travailler localement sur les ressources et de se faire échanger leurs interactions. Raison pour laquelle, nous allons proposer dans ce papier une formalisation qui fait appel à une algèbre de processus, qu'est le p-Calcul, afin de concevoir des systèmes auto adaptives qui peuvent réagir à la forme du problème. |
Key Words |
GSM, Réseaux cellulaires, Systèmes multi-agents, Algèbre de processus et Optimisation dynamique. |
Conference |
ICAI'09 : International Conference on Applied Informatics |
Organization |
Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria. |
Dates |
15-17 November, 2009 |
Pages |
Volume I, pp. 233-239. |
Online Date |
November 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 87
Authors |
Miss Imene Bensalem & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
La désambiguïsation des toponymes par la densité géographique |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Pour ajouter plus de sémantique à la recherche d’information, il serait pertinent de géo-référencer les documents textuels selon les noms des lieux (toponyme) qu’ils renferment. La Désambiguïsation des Toponymes La tâche de déterminer l’emplacement géographique visé par une occurrence d'un nom de lieu ambigu dans un contexte textuel donné. |
Key Words |
Désambiguïsation, Toponymes et Densité géographique |
Conference |
ICAI'09 : International Conference on Applied Informatics |
Organization |
Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria. |
Dates |
15-17 November, 2009 |
Pages |
Volume I, pp. 470-475. |
Online Date |
November 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 88
Authors |
Dr Khadoudja Ghanem, Dr Alice Caplier & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Intensity Estimation of Unknown Expression Based on a Study of Facial Permanent Features deformations |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this work we report on the progress of building a system that enables the intensity estimation of unknown expression based on a study of the degree of facial permanent features deformations from still images. The facial changes can be identified as facial action units which correspond to the movement of muscles. We analyze subtle changes in facial expression by interpreting the movement of the muscle by its corresponding distances computed from characteristic facial points. All changed distances, are compared with corresponding Thresholds, to be mapped to symbolic states that qualitatively encode how much a given distance differs from its corresponding value in the neutral state. The Transferable Belief Model is used to fuse all data which correspond to the whole of changed distances. Expression intensity is quantified as: High, medium or low. Different raisons are done to prove that is better to estimate expression intensity of unknown expression than of known one. |
Key Words |
Facial expression, Expression intensity and Belief theory |
Conference |
MISC’2010: International Symposium on Modeling and Implementation of Complex Systems |
Organization |
Constantine, Algeria. |
Dates |
May 30-31, 2010 |
Pages |
pp. 77-87. |
Online Date |
May 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 89
Authors |
Dr Esma Bendiab & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Unsupervised Classification Based Negative Selection Algorithm |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In the last decade, artificial life has been considered as a promising area for rising challenges to unresolved computational problems. Inspired by natural phenomena, its study focuses on the exploration of complex systems. Neuronal networks, genetic algorithms and more recently artificial immune systems are examples. Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) are one type of intelligent algorithms inspired by the principles and processes of the human immune system. Emulating the discrimination mechanism of the natural system, negative selection algorithm of AIS has been successfully applied on change and anomaly detection. This paper describes initial investigations in applying negative selection algorithm on pixel classification by maintaining a population of detectors that remove undesired patterns. Its purpose is to find several detectors which do not match to self in the population. We make use of an Euclidian space with an Euclidian performance measure on color images. The experimental show promising results. The obtained classifier is effective and feasible. |
Key Words |
Complex systems, Artificial immune systems, Negative selection algorithm and Image classification. |
Conference |
MISC’2010: International Symposium on Modeling and Implementation of Complex Systems |
Organization |
Constantine, Algeria. |
Dates |
May 30-31, 2010 |
Pages |
pp. 235-242. |
Online Date |
May 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 90
Authors |
Miss Sabrina Sahraoui & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Solving the quadratic three-dimensional assignment problem (Q3AP) on grid |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The Q3AP is discovered in 2004 on a wireless communication design problem. by Samra, Ding and Pr Hahn. Hybrid ARQ: in case of error, retransmission of the same message using different encodings. We have N points of the QAM constellation to be assigned to N groups of bits to be transmitted, represented by their decimal. Problem where n plants, and n managers must be placed on n sites: two sites l and h are at a distance of Dlh, two factories i and j share a volume of Contents Fij, two managers m and k have a rate of exchange Emk and the cost of placing a plant i and manager m on the site l and another plant j with another manager k on the site h, is Emk.Dlk.Fij. |
Key Words |
Q3AP, QAM, Quadratic Three-dimensional and Grid |
Conference |
MISC’2010: International Symposium on Modeling and Implementation of Complex Systems |
Organization |
Constantine, Algeria. |
Dates |
May 30-31, 2010 |
Pages |
p. 302, poster. |
Online Date |
May 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 91
Authors |
Dr Chafika Ramdane & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Amélioration d’un algorithme évolutionnaire quantique pour la classification non supervisée des données |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Key Words |
Conference |
COSI'2011 : Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'Information |
Organization |
Guelma, Algeria. |
Dates |
24-28 April, 2011 |
Pages |
8 pages |
Online Date |
April 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 92
Authors |
Miss Samiha Brahimi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Local Search Algorithm Based AEO for Materialized View Selection |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
With the development of databases in general and data warehouses in particular, it is now of a great importance to reduce the administration tasks of data warehouses. The materialization of views is one of the most important optimization techniques. The construction of a set of views optimizing the data warehouse is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we provide an extension of our algorithm Adapted extremal Optimization introduced in [1] without any improvement of its effectiveness. Performance tests have been conducted on the well known TPC-h benchmark in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithm comparing it with other well known methods. |
Key Words |
Materialized views selection, Data warehouses, Extremal optimization and Query’s optimization. |
Conference |
ICACIS’12: International Conference on Advanced Communication and Information Systems |
Organization |
Batna, Algeria. |
Dates |
December, 2012 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
December 2012 |
File |
International Conference number 93
Authors |
Miss Wafia Boubguira & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Metric Quantization for Digital Precision of Gesture |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In this paper, we set two objectives: provide a robust numerical model based on the principle divergence between two parametric curves, invariant to translation and 2D rotation as well as scale factor, and managing the difference in the number of sampled points. On the other hand, we present a tool to detect error areas (where the user has a difficulty to reproduce the gesture), and thus deduce the forms to avoid in an act of control. |
Key Words |
Gesture accuracy, Error metric, Parametric curves difference and Geometric invariance |
Conference |
MISC’2012: International Symposium on Modeling and Implementation of Complex Systems |
Organization |
Constantine, Algeria. |
Dates |
29-30 May, 2012 |
Pages |
5 pages |
Online Date |
May, 2012 |
File |
International Conference number 94
Authors |
Mme Baha & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Reconstitution des cartes géographiques endommagées |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La numérisation est la technologie qui permet de convertir des cartes géographiques (ou autres) physiques en images numériques stockées sur des supports variés facilitant ainsi la reproduction, la consultation, la recherche d’informations, permettant de conserver et de transmettre les connaissances d’une génération à une autre. C’est un enjeu important car la cartographie numérique présente des avantages pour les services d’archives, les bibliothèques, les historiens. La carte géographique numérisée nécessite un prétraitement améliorant sa qualité à cause de la présence de plusieurs types de dégradations. Certaines dégradations peuvent être traitées grâce aux algorithmes de prétraitement d’images, d’autres nécessite des connaissances externes. |
Key Words |
Carte géographique et Dégradation |
Conference |
CISC’2011: The Second International Conference on Complex Systems |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria. |
Dates |
6-8 December, 2011 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
December 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 95
Authors |
Miss Sara Mechati & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Réflexion sur une approche de prétraitement et reconstruction de manuscrits arabes détériorés basée sur les systèmes multi-agents |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Résumé: La reconnaissance et la reconstruction de document consiste à convertir un document papier en document électronique en se basant sur l’analyse et l’interprétation du document. Dans ce contexte, nous nous intéressons dans nos recherches aux documents manuscrits endommagés du patrimoine national écris en Arabe, ces recherches lancent une étude pour la réhabilitation des documents anciens et détériorés dans les perspectives de préserver, diffuser et promouvoir de sauvegarder le patrimoine national et bien sûre de le numériser une fois pour toute. |
Key Words |
Reconstruction, Manuscrit arabe, Système multi-agent et Ontologie. |
Conference |
CISC’2011: The Second International Conference on Complex Systems |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria. |
Dates |
6-8 December, 2011 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
December 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 96
Authors |
Dr Abdelkrim Bouramoul & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Une approche basée ontologie pour l’évaluation sémantique des systèmes de recherche d’information |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Key Words |
Conference |
International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing) |
Organization |
Mascara, Algeria. |
Dates |
2012 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
2012 |
File |
International Conference number 97
Authors |
Miss Aicha Aggoun, Dr Abdelkrim Bouramoul & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Approximate Flexible Queries Using Hausdorff Distance |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Approximate flexible queries have emerged as an effective approach in the process of interrogation of the databases, and more especially for dealing the problem of empty answers. Most work in this domain, however, has so far been limited in its applicability and capacity to treat the problem of empty answers. In this paper, we propose the use of Hausdorff distance as an effective tool for approximate flexible queries in the context of treatment the Empty Answers Problem (EAP). Our approach is based on measuring semantic proximity between flexible queries and using this measure to provide approximate answers to failed queries (queries with empty answers). We develop novel approach for approximate flexible queries by using the Hausdorff distance applied between fuzzy predicates compounded these queries. This, of course, guarantees extremely non empty answers with fast response times. |
Key Words |
Information retrieval, Data base, Flexible queries, Semantic proximity, Empty answers and Hausdorff distance. |
Conference |
MISC’2012: 2nd International Symposium on Modeling and Implementation of Complex Systems |
Organization |
Constantine, Algeria. |
Dates |
29-30 May, 2012 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
May 2012 |
File |
International Conference number 98
Authors |
Miss Samiha Brahimi, Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi & Miss Amina Hamerlain |
Titer |
Top-Sky : Top-Down Algorithm for Computing the Skycube |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
It is a big pleasure for the user to find the result of its skyline query without waiting for its processing; this can be realized by getting a saved version of this query. This paper focuses on the pre-computation of the skylines of all possible non- empty subsets of a given set of dimensions, what we call the skycube. We develop an efficient top-down approach called TOP-SKY for the skycube computation which derives the skyline objects from one of the subspace’s parents adopting some techniques that help to achieve a better performance. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach, TOP-SKY has been compared with the best algorithm in our knowledge Orion and with computing the cuboids of the skycube individually using BNL algorithm. |
Key Words |
Skyline processing, Skycube and Queries’ optimization |
Conference |
ISPS’2013: 11th International Symposium on Programming and Systems |
Organization |
Algiers, Algeria. |
Dates |
22-24 April, 2013 |
Pages |
10 pages |
Online Date |
April 2013 |
File |
International Conference number 99
Authors |
Mme Baha Fergani, Mr Hamza Bensouici, Mr Houssem Seif Eddine Naanaa & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
A discrete firefly algorithm for geometric image inpainting information |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Image inpainting is the process that reconstructs the image’s structure by matching each damaged contour with its corresponding one in such a way to obtain an image visually plausible. The search space of candidate solutions increases dramatically as the number of contours increases, which makes the search of the optimal solution by a traditional deterministic method infeasible. A good choice to solve this problem is the use of a meta heuristic, which is in the present paper a discrete version of the Firefly algorithm. So, in the present paper, a Discrete FFA (DFFA) is used to find close contours using their curvatures and values abscise of curve’s end point. The advantage of using curve’s end point is to add spatial information of the location of damaged contour. Experiment results show the efficiency of the DFFA for the geometric image inpainting. |
Key Words |
Image inpainting, Geometric inpainting, Damaged contours, Contour matching and Discrete FF algorithm |
Conference |
ATSIP 2014: International Conference On Advanced Technologies For Signal & Image Processing |
Organization |
Sousse, Tunisia |
Dates |
17-19 March, 2014 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
March, 2014 |
File |
International Conference number 100
Authors |
Mme Naouel Ouafek & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
An Image Inpainting Algorithm based on K-means Algorithm |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
One of the most important field in image processing is the image inpainting or image retouching with aim to restore damaged images or remove a selected object from an image. Many recent works in the image inpainting focus on combining methods in order to obtain more accurate result; in this paper we proposed a new algorithm that combines K-means algorithm and the partial differential equation (PDE). |
Key Words |
Inpainting, Retouchin, Isophotes, Texture synthesis, PDE and Digital image . |
Conference |
WCMCS 2013 : World Congress on Multimedia and Computer Science |
Organization |
Hammamet, Tunisia |
ISBN: 978-9938-9511-6-5 |
Dates |
4-6 October, 2013 |
Pages |
pp. 47-52 |
DOI: 02.WCMCS.2013.1.F1 |
Online Date |
October 2013 |
File |
International Conference number 101
Authors |
Miss Samiha Brahimi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Materializing distributed Skyline queries |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The materialization of views has been one of the most successful techniques in optimizing OLAP queries. In this context, many works have been conducted aiming either to study the relationships between the views or to solve the materialized views selection problem. The efficiency of this technique motivates the database community to apply it on other types of queries namely the skyline. However, researchers investigated only the first phase of the materialization by adapting some approaches proposed for OLAP queries namely the skycube. The second phase of the materialization which is the materialized skyline views selection problem has never been studied because of the difficulty of creating a cost model. In fact, the differences between OLAP and skyline queries are the main obstacle for using the cost models proposed for the former in studying the later. More precisely, the methods used to estimate the cost of evaluating an OLAP query are not applicable to a skyline query. Besides, evaluating the query without estimation in each step of the selection process leads to a very high cost. In this paper we propose a genetic method for the materialized skyline views selection problem. In order to reduce the high cost produced by evaluating all over the selection process, we propose a time reduction heuristic called OnceVisited which avoids the computation of the same query from the same views many times. |
Key Words |
Skyline queries, Skycube, Materialization of views, Cost reduction, Genetic algorithm, Data mining, Orion and Top-Sky |
Conference |
ICAART: The 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence |
Organization |
ESEO, Angers, Loire Vally, France |
Dates |
6-8 March, 2014 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
03/2014 |
File |
International Conference number 102
Authors |
Miss Aicha Aggoun, Dr Abdelkrim Bouramoul & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Geometric Transformation of User Queries in Information Retrieval on the Web |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
In the context of improving the information retrieval on the web, we propose in this paper an original approach based on geometric queries, whose goal is to reduce the problem of the non-selection of relevant documents, this issue is known as silence problem. This approach is based on the transformation of user query into geometric shapes and exploitation of a set of previously executed queries (with relevant responses) to find the closest to the initial query by using a similarity measure. We will focus on the need to involve domain ontology in the construction of geometric queries. Finally this paper describes the implementation performed and draws the first conclusions on various perspectives of this approach. |
Key Words |
Geometric query, Ontology, Similarity measure and Semantic search |
Conference |
ACIT’2013: The 14th International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Khartoum, Sudan. |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
29-30 May, 2012 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
May 2012 |
File |
International Conference number 103
Authors |
Miss Sara Mechati & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Réflexion sur une approche de prétraitement et reconstruction de manuscrits arabes détériorés basée sur les systèmes multi-agents. |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La reconnaissance et la reconstruction de document consiste à convertir un document papier en document électronique en se basant sur l’analyse et l’interprétation du document. Dans ce contexte, nous nous intéressons dans nos recherches aux documents manuscrits endommagés du patrimoine national écris en Arabe, ces recherches lancent une étude pour la réhabilitation des documents anciens et détériorés dans les perspectives de préserver, diffuser et promouvoir de sauvegarder le patrimoine national et bien sûre de le numériser une fois pour toute. |
Key Words |
Reconstruction, Manuscrit arabe; Système multi-agent et Ontologie. |
Conference |
CISC’2011: The Second International Conference on Complex Systems |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria. |
Dates |
6-8 December, 2011 |
Pages |
6 pages, Poster |
Online Date |
December 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 104
Authors |
Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
SIG pour la Gestion des Données Sismiques de la Région de Constantine - SismoSIG |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
En Algérie, les différentes études géologiques et sismologiques montrent que 70% du Nord du pays sont soumis à l'activité sismique. Dans cette partie du territoire national sont concentrées au moins 90% des installations socio-économiques et politiques du pays. Cette partie de l’Algérie est traversée par des failles qui font de notre pays un territoire à risque. Des villes entières ont été complètement détruites par le passé. Les dernières années le CRAAG a densifié le réseau national par l’implantation de nouvelles stations couvrant les zones sismiques. Le réseau de surveillance sismique algérien est composé de 35 stations du réseau télémétré et de 45 stations digitales acquises récemment. Il couvre aujourd’hui la plus grande partie de la région Nord du pays notamment la région Nord-est, là où se produit la plus grande activité sismique du pays. |
Key Words |
Gestion des données sismiques, Région de Constantine, Station de surveillance et Réseau de surveillance. |
Conference |
CISC’2011: The Second International Conference on Complex Systems |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria. |
Dates |
6-8 December, 2011 |
Pages |
37 Diapos |
Online Date |
December 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 105
Authors |
Mr Mohamed Naoufel Kholladi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Assistance to Land Classification System |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The reasoning by classification, amongst other positioning itself to a known situation makes to understand a new, or to recognize an object by examining its characteristics to find the class to which it relates. This reasoning is commonly used in legacy systems where the concepts are described as collections of properties and organized in hierarchy. This hierarchy forms the semantic network a base of knowledge reasoning by classification system. Our work in This paper are located within the framework of decision support systems by the reasoning for classification to control this approach and identify problems to which it presents, and this through an application in the field of the soil science. Our system is designed to assist the pedologist in its work and in particular in the soils classification. |
Key Words |
Reasoning by classification, Soil science, Expert, Manmade intelligence system base of knowledge and Land classification |
Conference |
MISC’2010: International Symposium on Modeling and Implementation of Complex Systems |
Organization |
Constantine, Algeria. |
Dates |
May 30-31, 2010 |
Pages |
p. 302, poster. |
Online Date |
May 2010 |
File |
International Conference number 106
Authors |
Miss Imène Bensalem & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Traitement et Fusion de Données dans le Cadre de l’Interopérabilité Sémantique des Systèmes d’Information Géographiques |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Le data mining est un nouveau domaine qui a apparu à la fin des années quatre-vingt, et il a prouvé son existence en tant que solution viable pour analyser les grandes quantités de données. Le data mining s'est développée à partir de la contribution de plusieurs disciplines, y compris la statistique, les bases de données, l'intelligence artificielle, et autres. Le principal objectif de cet article est de clarifier la relation étroite entre le data mining et la statistique, pour cela nous présentons trois aspects de la relation entre ces deux domaines. Nous discutons aussi la question sur le data mining s’il est une science ou non et la relation de la réponse avec la perspective au sens du terme « data mining ». Cet article est destiné en premier lieu aux chercheurs informaticiens dans le domaine du data mining qui sont novices dans le domaine de la statistique. |
Key Words |
Data mining, Statistiques et KDD. |
Conference |
CITIC’09 : Conférence Internationale des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication |
Organization |
Setif, Algeria. |
Dates |
4-5 May, 2009 |
Pages |
6 pages |
Online Date |
May 2009 |
File |
International Conference number 107
Authors |
Dr Salah Hamri & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
GIS for Urban Spatial Analysis |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
The spatial requests require the utilization of the specific access methods in order to accelerate their execution. Numerous methods are proposed to these needs: structures in grids, the quaternary tree, and the tree rectangle. Also, to accelerate the time of research of the spatial objects, and for more of efficiency in the spatial request resolution, it is necessary to endow itself/themselves of a spatial index that either optimal. However, this stain requires a qualitative assessment of the different structures of index that depends strongly on choices of the implementation achieved, of real data games, and of the tested operations. Our objective in this paper, is to propose a technique of index optimization for objects represented on a map mono-lies down either on a map multi-lies down, and we will restrict to the operation of base solely: (the operation of pointed). This technique is based on efficient approach in two phases, and lean especially on the suppleness of the quadtrees-linear that is bound to the numeric aspect of the representation and research. These two phases are filtering that generates objects candidates for the resolution of a request and the sophistication that operates directly on the descended objects of the first phase to form the result. |
Key Words |
spatial Indexing, mono-layer, multi-layer, grid, R+tree, quadtree-linear, curve in N of Peano |
Conference |
ACIT’2004 : The International Arab Conference on Information Technology |
Organization |
Mentouri University of Constantine, Algeria. |
ISSN: 1812-0857 |
Dates |
December 12-15, 2004 |
Pages |
15 pages |
Online Date |
December 2004 |
File |
International Conference number 108
Authors |
Miss Samiha Brahimi & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Sélection de vues par matérialisation dans les dépôts de données |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
La très grande complexité et variété des données, l’entreposage très grand et énorme des données, l’augmentation de la puissance de calculs des ordinateurs et l'accès aux réseaux de très grande taille nous donnent une complexité et un coût élevés des requêtes de fouille de données (data mining) surtout dans un environnement parallèle ou distribué. D’où, la possibilité que le problème d’interopérabilité se poser. L’optimisation de ces requêtes est l’intérêt actuel de la communauté des dépôts de données et des bases de données. De nouveaux algorithmes ont été proposés mais très peu de travaux ont utilisé l'approche par matérialisation. Dans ce papier, nous allons abordé une approche d’optimisation basée sur la matérialisation et plus précisément sur la sélection des vues matérialisées en utilisant principalement une classification non supervisé pour classer les requêtes similaires en terme de syntaxe. |
Key Words |
Base de données multidimensionnelle, Dépôts de données, Matérialisation des vues, Optimisation des requêtes et Interopérabilité. |
Conference |
CISC’2011: The Second International Conference on Complex Systems |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria. |
Dates |
6-8 December, 2011 |
Pages |
5 pages, Poster |
Online Date |
December 2011 |
File |
International Conference number 109
Authors |
Miss Amina Hamerelain & Prof. Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi |
Titer |
Un Survol sur les systèmes pervasifs sensibles au contexte |
Laboratory |
MISC Laboratory of Constantine |
Universities |
Constantine 2 university and El Oued university |
Abstract |
Face à la croissance de la demande des services de plus en plus riches et personnalisés, le défit aujourd’hui est de proposer des applications pervasives de la meilleure qualité de service possible, permettant de s’adapter aux souhaits de l’utilisateur et à son environnement. D’autre part, les systèmes multi-agents (SMA) connaissent actuellement un certain engouement, en raison de leur capacité à aborder les systèmes complexes. Nous nous intéressons dans ce papier à la présentation d’un survol sur le domaine des systèmes pervasifs sensibles au contexte ainsi qu’une synthèse des travaux usuels de ce domaine tout en essayant de couvrir à la fois les concepts de l’informatique pervasive, la sensibilité au contexte dans ces systèmes, la gestion qualité de service (Qds) et les systèmes multi-agents. |
Key Words |
Applications pervasives, Sensibilité au contexte, Gestion de la qualité de service, Adaptation dynamique, Architecture logicielle et Système multi agents. |
Conference |
CISC’2011: The Second International Conference on Complex Systems |
Organization |
Jijel, Algeria. |
Dates |
6-8 December, 2011 |
Pages |
5 pages, Poster |
Online Date |
December 2011 |
File |