(Vol 9, No 01, 2019)


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Oil Price Shocks and Algerian Economy : Evidence from the ‘New Economic Model’

Seddiki Safia, Kiheli Aicha Selma / Kasdi Merbah University, Ouargla (Algeria)

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Oil Resources and Institutional Quality impact on the Development process: cases of Kuwait and Venezuela

HAMZA Ali, BENAYAD Mohamed Samir, REDIF Mostapha / Djilali Liabes University, (Algeria)

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The role of human capital and total factor productivity in promoting economic growth: a comparative international study

Imadeddin Ahmed Almosabbeh / Arab East Colleges; Riyadh, (Saudi Arabia)

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Financial Sector Development and Economic Growth in Algeria: an ARDL Bounds Testing Approach 1980-2017

 Zineb FAHSI , Abderrahim CHIBI / Djillali Liabes University;  University Center of Maghnia, (Algeria)

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The Effect of Financial Development on the Insurance Activity in Algeria

 Dalila BENZIANE , Kamal OUKACI  /  University of Bejaia, (Algeria)

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Determinants of Firm’s Innovation in the MENA Region: a descriptive Analysis

 Bourouaha Abdelhammid , Maliki Samir Baha Eddine /  University of Bejaia (Algeria)

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The management control system in the Moroccan university hospital: Case of the Hassan II UHC

Saad ALAM /  Mohammed V University of Rabat (Morocco)

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Effect of internal Market Orientation on Organizational Commitment: Applied Study at Algerian Hotels

Djouhara AGTI, Khaled LOUAFI  /  BISKRA University (Algeria)

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Morphological analysis of agricultural entrepreneurship in Algeria using Morphol method

BALOULI Houssame Eddine , CHINE Lazhar /  ENSSEA , Boumerdes University (Algeria)

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The Role of The Organizational Culture in The Success of The Application of The Knowledge Management. A field Study in The Administrative Departments Working in JIJL


Beldjezia  Omar , Boulahia Tayeb  /  University  of Seddik (Algeria)

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The Economic Consequences of mandatory IFRS adoption: The Case of Arab Countries

Ahmed Bekkaye /  Ghardaîa University (Algeria)

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Roa Iktissadia Review

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