What is Open Access?

By Open Access, we mean the free, immediate, availability on the public Internet of those works which the researchers are give it to the world. Without any payment – permitting to any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of these articles. And use them for indexing, pass them as data to software or use them for any other legal purpose.

Why start with public access?

“Governments would boost innovation and get a better return on their investment in publicly funded research by making research findings more widely available… And by doing so, they would maximize social returns on public investments.” –Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Widespread access to publicly funded research results. Is an essential inseparable component of our nation’s investment in sciences.

Results of publicly funded research, should be shared in cost-effective ways in order to stimulate discovery and innovation. To advance the translation of this knowledge into public benefits. In addition,  the access to expanded sharing of information will lead to use it by millions of scientists, professionals, and individuals. Also, will deliver an accelerated return on the public’s investment in this research.

Who Benefits from Open Access?


  • Increases readers’ ability to find the relevant literature
  • Increases the visibility, readership and impact of author’s works
  • Creates new avenues for discovery in digital environment
  • Enhances the  interdisciplinary research
  • Accelerates the pace of research, discovery and innovation

 Educational Institutions

  • Contributes to the core mission of advancing knowledge
  • The ability of access across all institutions – regardless of size or budget
  • Provides previously unattainable access to community colleges, two-year colleges, K-12 and other schools
  • Provides access to crucial STEM materials
  • Increases competitiveness of academic institutions
  • Students
  • Enriches the quality of their education
  • Ensures access to all that students need to know, rather what they (or their school) can afford
  • Contributes to a better-educated workforce

 Research Funders

  • Leverages the return on research investment.
  • Creates tool to manage research portfolio.
  • Avoids funding the duplicative research.
  • Creates the transparency.
  • Encourages on greater interaction with results of the funded research


  • Provides access to previously unavailable materials relating to health, energy, environment, and other areas of broad interest.
  • Creates better educated populace
  • Encourages the support of scientific institutions, the engagement of economic and social environment.


  • Access to cutting-edge research encourages innovation
  • Stimulates new ideas, new services, new products
  • Creates new opportunities for job creation

Source: Open Access Academy

Roa Iktissadia Review

رخصة المشاع الابداعي

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Roa Iktissadia Review is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial license (CC BY-NC 4.0).